Prince of Interviews

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Chapter 11:
Prince of interviews

It was a few weeks later since I made that promise to her.  It made her so joyful and gleaming for me of requested and promised to do that.  I did not know what, but I liked that she felt that way.  Way more than I actually should.  I been in denial all this time.  Well to her...Mainly.  It the only explanation.

She makes me want to tell her everything.

She makes me sick not being there or by simply studying away.

She makes me not want anything to happen to her.

She makes me want to protect her.

She makes me care for her than I should.

She makes me upset when she refers to me as friends

It is bad.  I could not.  I promised myself, I told myself I never will be desired.  I told myself I refuse every.  Especially this I told myself I get myself to never care about someone to make me want to desire. 

And now because I am a merphan I am becoming sick because I am not being desired.  I hate this.  Stupid mermaid and merphan abilities making me sick because it apparently has some desire to be desired as a special one.  Ugh give me a break.

And the only one that knows this is....Ugh I really need to cut those loose strings already.  I already have a better and a backup.  And with this no one can force me to do anything.  I leaned my head down.

"Your Highness.." I heard a voice distances away.  Urgh.  I need to recompose myself.  I look at the reflection of myself and sighed.  I lifted my head up and rubbed my bare shoulder.  Clasping the armor on, I left to see what the voice wanted.

"Zuri...?" There in front of me was my sister's guardian, Azurine or easier to remember, Zuri.  "What is it?"

"Your father requests your presence...Your Highness.  There shall be an interview you are going to have to do for the Weekly Clamster." Oh.  Yeah, I really need to compose myself.

"Of course.  Leave now, your presence is not wanted anymore." She nodded immediately than left.  If she stayed any longer though...I swear I probably accidentally banish her.

I sighed and wrapped seaweed in my hair instead of the usual style with it down.  I made sure my crown that rested right above the seaweed was angled upward and I went to see him.  I tell and order servants to make me look presentable, but I need to be real. 

Servants do not know my standards, nor do they care that much about getting it right.  They are just here because they can do things close to the crowned family.  How pathetic.

"Mivozene," there he was stern and looking utterly still with his hands on the desk.  It was as if he was just reading or looking at something.  "Mivozene... 
        I am glad you could make it.  I was beginning to be afraid you would not come and then I would have to go to you and I would not be very happy."

"Happy?" I scoffed, "Mermaids have no emotions."

"Your sister?"

"You made your point.  What do you want?" I hated this absent minded conversation.  He was stalling on purpose and dwelling like he knew it would bother me.

"Oh must we get to the point already?" I nodded my head.  Yes, actually. 
       "Fine!  If you insist some of the council members and the ones who do the weekly clamspaper wanted to interview you."  That was new.  "That means you must know what to say about everything."

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