Chapter 23

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After breakfast, the gang packed up their things and decided to head back before sunset since they had class the next day.

Tharn threw the last bag of luggage into the trunk, pushing the hood down. He walked around to the front of the car where Type was leaning against the passenger side door.

"Hey," He said, crossing his arms over his chest with a big smirk on his face.

Type had changed into a casual white T-shirt and jeans. But Tharn had to admit, even in something simple as that, Type was handsome.

"Hi," Tharn said and leaned in to kiss the football player, his hands finding their way on either side of him.

"You two need to get a room! You're like fucking rabbits." Lhong interrupted, laughing as he carried Tae's bags in one hand and held Tae's hand in the other.

Tharn's lips don't leave Type's but he holds up the finger to his best friend before pulling away from his boyfriend.

Lhong just laughs some more. "Love you too, buddy!" He yelled before putting the bags in his hands in the trunk of the car and getting in the driver's seat with Tae already on the passenger side.

Tum and Rose were already seated in the backseat. They decided to switch since Tum was still tired from driving the previous day and No didn't allow him to sleep much with his loud snoring.

"Where's No?" Tharn asked Type but before the latter could answer, the window beside them roll them and No's head popped out.

"Hey, Tharn!" Type rolled his eyes. "I know you guys would love some alone time, but that's not happening this time. I can't believe I'm stuck with you. I feel like a third wheel already," he frowned and backed away from the window when he saw Type glaring.

"I'll just go to sleep again so that I won't be a bother to you both," he said as he placed his backpack and laid down on it. He even closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

Tharn stifled a laugh and Type rolled his eyes. "Hey, do you want me to drive? You drove all the way yesterday, you must be tired." Type's voice was laced with concern.

Seeing Type worried about him made Tharn smile. "I'm fine. I can drive back. You should be the one to rest though. After last night," Tharn had a mischievous smile on his face which made Type blush remembering their activities. He hit Tharn on his shoulder.

"Shut up. Now let's go. Everyone's waiting for us," he said as he got into the passenger seat without looking back at Tharn. Tharn laughed and walked around to get to the driver's seat.

When Type got in, he heard No laughing. "Why are you laughing, jackass?" He asked.

"Well, from what I heard, one of my questions got answered," No said and Type turned around to face No. He slapped No's head.

"You better keep that mouth of yours shut, or else," Type said and ran his thumb over his throat. No gulped.

"Hey, Type. You misunderstood. What I meant was, I was wondering who was driving us back. And now I know who is." No said just as Tharn got into the driver's seat. Type nodded but the glare in his eyes never stopped.

"I better be careful with my words. Or else, I'll be killed for sure." No mumbled to himself hoping no one heard.

"Good. You know that." Type said and No slapped his hand against his mouth. He could see Type staring at him from the rearview mirror. Who was he kidding mumbling to himself? Nothing escapes Type.

He quickly laid back down in his seat and closed his eyes.

The car engine turned on and the car began to move. Type rested his head against the window as he looked out at the passing trees and the lake. This place was really beautiful and peaceful. He kept thinking about the previous day and how he stayed up at night looking at the stars and Tharn confessing his love.

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