Chapter 9

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After being buried in his assignment work the whole day, Tharn had finally completed the weekend given projects when he received a phone call from Lhong.

"These assignments are killing me! Can we please for the love of God go for a drink!" Lhong said in his dramatic tone which made Tharn chuckle.

"Sure! Why not?" Tharn said as he stood up from his desk and began to clear off his stuff.

"Where are we going to drink at?" After a few utterances, they hung up.

Type entered the room after spending the Sunday at Techno's place playing video games all day with his friends.

"Where are you off to?" He asked. Tharn smiled internally to know that at least Type was curious to know about his whereabouts which means he cares for him.

"Just grabbing a drink with the band after a stressful day. Wanna come along?" Tharn asked which made Type to freeze for a second before he faked a small smile and shook his head.

"Thanks for the invitation, man. But I just thought of taking a hot shower and going to bed," Type said as he rubbed his head.

"Sure... okay" Tharn was a little disappointed but it was soon replaced with worry seeing Type rubbing his head casually.

"Type?" His voice laced with concerned.

"Hmm?" Type who had turned around to go towards his closet, turned back to face Tharn again.

"Are you okay? I mean, does your head hurt or anything. You should get it checked out, just in case." Tharn said.

These words surprised Type but he once again concealed it and passed it off.

"Don't worry Tharn. It isn't serious. We get hurt a lot while playing football. It isn't the first time I got injured, you know," Type said casually, hoping Tharn would drop the topic.

"I know, but if you would have got injured while playing football, the captain would definitely send you to the nurse to get checked out. Just for goodness sake, go and get it checked out," Tharn said in an almost pleading tone which made Type to cave.

"Fine! I'll go tomorrow if it makes you stop pleading me like this," Type said and turned around immediately to avoid Tharn from seeing the small genuine smile on his face.

"Great! Then I better get ready," Tharn said as he grabbed his towel and walked towards the bathroom.

The previous night was so far the best night ever for Tharn. He got to meet his favourite band and also share it with the love of his life. Those little moments which they shared, meant a lot to him. He had never felt so alive until last night with Type by his side. The way Type held his hand and they got lost in each other's eyes during the performance, the tight hug with him while protecting him from getting wet in the rain and the tickles later reminded him of their childhood memory.

Tharn smiled at himself in the mirror. After last night, he didn't care whether Type remembered their past or not, they have to focus on their present and their future. Though Type might not still love him from before, Tharn can get him to love him back. Type did fall for him once, he might fall for him again. Let the courting start!

With a lovesick smile, Tharn bent down to wash his face.

The bar where they decided to meet up was P'Jeed's as it was the closest for all. As soon as he entered, Tharn could tell that his friends had arrived by the laughter across the room.

"Tharn!" they all yelled in unison which made Tharn know that they had already started drinking.

"Started without me?" He asked as he approached the table where the three were sitting and plopped down next to Rose, opposite to Lhong and Tae.

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