Chapter 2

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Type walked in and walked up to the table at the entrance, the check-in table. Sitting at the table was a middle-aged man reading a book, and drinking a cup of coffee. He stood there for about twenty seconds until he decided to speak up.

"Excuse me?" He said politely.

That's when the man lifted his head and noticed him. He put down the newspaper and coffee.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you a freshman moving into the dorm?" He asked, politely.

"Yes, I am," Type said. "My name is Type Thiwat Phawattakun."

The man looked in a binder that was sitting on the table and wrote down his name. He then opened one of the drawers and pulled out a small key.

"Here is the key to your room, Mr. Thiwat," He said, holding it out to Type "Fourth floor, room 402."

"Thank you," Type said, taking the key from him and paid his respects.

"Have a great first year," he said before sitting back down in his seat. Type gave a curt nod and proceeded down the hall to the elevator. He pushed the button and waited for the door to open. Once he was inside, he pressed the button for the fourth floor.

Just as the door opened and Type stepped forward, a guy stepped in with a much bigger box. When he almost collided with Type, the box dropped down to the floor.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." said an older guy with fake blond hair tied up in a small ponytail.

"It's okay," said the guy picking up his box glad to see it hadn't burst open.

"Is your room on this floor?" asked the guy.

"I think so...402. It's this floor, right?" Type asked.

"Yup, that's on this floor. Down the hall, and the second door on your right. Anyways I'm the resident leader, my name's Win." Win said.

Type paid his respects. "Sawadee P'Win. My name's Type."

"It's nice to meet you, Type. I hope to see you at the student fair and don't forget about orientation tomorrow." Type nodded as Win and he traded places in the elevator.

Type carried on his way until he found his room. He unlocked the door and nudged it open. When he entered, he saw that his roommate had already arrived and his part of the room was already set up. They were posters of rock bands stuck above the bed. A few study materials like books and stationery stuff were on the study table along with a laptop. But the roommate with whom he was sharing the dorm was nowhere to be seen.

Type finally dropped the box he had been carrying on the free study table and his bag on the chair. He plopped himself onto his bed. As he lay on his bed, he stretched out his muscles. He was tired after driving all the way from home.

At first, he thought of booking an air ticket and flying to Bangkok. But during his stay, he would need transportation. So he decided to drive his car which his parents had given him on his eighteenth birthday. He was exhausted and tired.

Just then, he phoned pinged. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and saw that No had messaged him. He opened his phone to find a party invite.

"Ai'Type!!! Some of the seniors are hosting a party and the freshmen are invited. Let's go!"

Type thought about it. He might be tired but nothing a hot shower can't fix. All they have is orientation the next day. A drink or two might not hurt. He isn't a lightweight. So, it wouldn't be a problem.

He texted No that he was in and they could meet up at the dorm entrance. Type stood up and noticed that he hadn't brought up much of his stuff. The box which has his toiletries was still in the car along with a few other boxes of his stuff.

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