Chapter 5

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Type slowly woke up from his nap. He found that the sun had set for the room was now in darkness. He grabbed his phone from the nightstand to check the time. His eyes scrunched up and tried to adjust to the sudden light. He noted that the time was fifteen minutes past seven. He groaned and slowly sat up in his bed.

He looked around wondering what he was going to do next. He decided to take a shower before going out to buy dinner. He turned on the lamp on his bedside table and pushed himself off the bed. He ruffled his bed hair and grabbed his towel before walking towards the bathroom to take a shower.

Once he was done, he walked back out and got ready. He chose to go with beige short pants and a grey sleeveless T-shirt with a hoodie. Just as he was about to leave his phone rang. The caller Id showed that it was his mother. Type smiled and answered the call.

"Sawadee Mae," he greeted her with a soft tone and a genuine smile on his face as he sat down on his bed.

"Sawadee son," Mae replied. "How was your first day at the university?" She asked.

"It was fine, Mae. How are you and Por doing? How was your day?" Type asked.

He knew his parents were very concerned about him. Though they had lost their oldest son when Type was eight years old, they had become way overprotective of him only when he was around thirteen years old. He didn't know what had happened so bad to have caused this.

"Just a normal day, son. Did you have your dinner yet?" She said in her usual voice.

"Not yet Mae. I was just getting ready to go and buy food from a food stall near the dorm." Type said as he leaned back onto his bed against the headboard.

"Okay. You go and eat your dinner. Por has just returned from work; I have to go and help him. Good night, son." Type smiled.

"Good night Mae. Please pass on my wishes to Por also."

After they said they bid their goodbyes Type hung up. Just as he was about to stand up, he heard the door lock being turned, and in walked a tall figure with a tired face and two carry bags in hand. His roommate gave him a small smile.

"Oh, hey! You're finally awake! That's great... I bought dinner for us." Tharn motioned to the bags he held and walked away to put them on the small dining table set up near the window. Type nodded as he stood up and followed Tharn.

"Thanks, man. I was about to go downstairs and buy dinner. How much do I owe you?" He asked as he rummaged through the bags. They were a few packets of chips, cans of sprite in one bag. The other bag was two styrofoam boxes of food containing basil rice with minced stir-fry pork and a sunny side egg.

Tharn smiled secretly to himself. "It's alright. You don't have to pay for dinner. We're roommates after all. Maybe you can repay me some other time," Tharn said with a twinkle in his eye which went unnoticed by Type.

"Fine by me," Type said sat down on one of the two chairs at the dining table after grabbing a spoon and knife. He was happy that he didn't have to walk all the way to buy his food. He was still pretty much tired from the previous day's travel and the football practice today. Tryouts for the freshman team were being held in a few days and he needed some practice.

"So how was your first day of class?" Tharn struck up a conversation as he did the same as Type.

"Not bad. It was cool," Type mumbled as he tried to stuff his mouth with the food which made Tharn chuckled.

"Hey, don't laugh. I'm hungry!" Type defended.

"Yeah, that much I can see. But the food should be eaten only with your mouth. Not your face." Tharn reached out and picked out a rice grain that was stuck near Type's upper lip.

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