Chapter 4

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Tharn's alarm clock went off at seven in the morning. He turned it off and padded into the bathroom, careful not to wake Type who was sleeping face down on his bed in the same clothes he wore when he went out yesterday.

Though Type had arrived before him the previous night, Type seemed to be exhausted and Tharn guessed that it might have been because of his travel.

When he finished with the morning bathroom procedures, he walked back to his closet to find his uniform. He and the other freshmen were supposed to meet with the director, deputy and their counsellor in the University's main hall at eight-thirty.

Tharn was worried he might oversleep after last night's late performance, so he set his alarm for a bit earlier.

"What the fuck are you doing awake?" he heard the muffled muttering from his roommate's bed.

Tharn scowled and chuckled softly. Type was still a light sleeper and definitely not a morning person.

"It's our first day, don't wanna be late," he answered.

"It's early," Type whined. "I swear, wake me up like this one more time, and I'll make your life a living hell," he promised. The whole time he was talking, he never opened his eyes. Now, he just turned his head away and started snoring softly almost immediately.

He probably wouldn't even remember their conversation once he'd truly woken up, but Tharn knew better than to take such threats lightly. He would be more careful and quiet next time.

But still Type had to wake up or else he would be late for the orientation program.

"Hey, Type..." Tharn stood next to his bed.

"What?" he heard the muffled voice.

"It's going to be eight soon. We have an orientation program at eight-thirty. You don't wanna be late, don't you?" Tharn said and he heard a groan.

Type looked up with his messy hair and sleepy eyes which Tharn could only describe as 'adorable.'

Tharn walked towards his bag and grabbed it. "See you there," he nodded towards Type and walked towards the door.

Before Type could say anything, Tharn was out the door. "Asshole!" Type grumbled as he grabbed his towel and walked towards the bathroom.

Though the day was a bit gloomy, the orientation went just as expected. People who lived together in the dorm or had their rooms close to each other were already on their way to become friends. The pretty girls were flirting with the hot boys and the rest of the students was just yawning and looking generally annoyed.

The meeting was finally dismissed and everyone started to disappear into their buildings in small groups. Tharn along with Lhong and Tum walked towards their Music department which was a bit further away.

Through the corner of his eye, Tharn saw Type walked towards his department building along with No. He smiled to himself and then turned to catch up on his conversation with his friends.

After the professor left the class, Lhong had begun his investigation. "So did you have a nice chat with your long-lost love last night?" He asked.

Tharn just stared at him and gave no sort of expression which confused Lhong. "Come on, tell me!" Lhong whined.

"Guess who is my roommate?" Tharn said in a disappointed tone and started to pack his stuff.

"That's awesome!" Lhong knew who it was and bumped his friend's shoulder in happiness. Tharn gave him a disappointed and sad look.

"Why the sad face?" He asked and Tharn just shrugged.

"He doesn't remember me, Lhong," Tharn said looking down at the ground.

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