Chapter 29

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"Type?" Type heard his mother's voice. He immediately looked away from Tharn and saw his mother and his father standing at the door.

"Tharn?!" He saw the expressions on his father's face turn from shock to curiosity and then anger.

"Mae! Por!" Type released his hold of Tharn while the latter made a distance between him and Type.

"Thank God you are awake, son!" His mother rushed to Type's side and pulled him into a hug careful not to hurt him.

"I'm fine, Mae. You don't have to worry like this." Type tried to console her. For this, he earned a slight hit against his arm which wasn't broken. Type's father closed his eyes and started mumbling something under his breath.

"Ow, Mae. I already have one broken arm, don't break the other." He teased.

"Stop teasing Mae. Do you know how worried your father and I were? And when we saw you still unconscious... Hoyy... don't scare us like this!" Type's mother tried to calm herself from breaking down in tears again.

"Krub, Mae...Por..." Type nodded slowly. His father cleared his throat as he looked at Type and then at Tharn.

"Son, who is this friend of yours?" Type's father asked. Type smiled sheepishly at his father and then looked at his mother before casting a look at Tharn who was standing a few feet away from him.

Type took a deep breath. "Por, Mae... this is Tharn. My roommate." Both his parents' eyes widened for they heard the name again and this time they knew they could never have misheard it in the first place.

"And my boyfriend." Type continued as he motioned for Tharn to come forward. Tharn waied at them as a mark of respect before Type reached out and held Tharn's hand in his.

"Huh! This farang face is your boyfriend? But-- Wait- When did you both meet? And how?" His father had a lot of questions. Type's mother reached out and patted his shoulder.

"Honey, stop. Tharn dear, can we speak to you privately." Type's mother asked and Tharn nodded. Type was curious about why his parents pulled Tharn away. The three walked out of the room while they sent No to accompany Type.

Type bugged No go eavesdrop of the conversation like the busy body he is. But No remembered the request from Tharn when Tharn had asked him to be with Type while he spoke to Type's parents.

"I'm not gonna get involved in that. Too much drama. And besides, I don't want to get on your father's bad side. He scared me enough." No let out a sigh of relief thinking of how Type's father got angry when he heard Type calling out to Tharn.

Type rolled his eyes. But his gaze never left the door which Tharn had walked out of with his parents.

Meanwhile, Tharn had brought Type's parents again to the cafeteria so that they could have their privacy.

"How are you doing, son? How are your parents?" Type's mother started the conversation.

"We are all doing good, Aunty. When mum knew you were coming here, she was so excited to meet you. But she had an important meeting to attend. She said she will drop by soon to see you." Tharn said with a smile, but when he turned to look at Type's father, his smile dropped.

Type's father was glaring at him. "What are you doing here?" He asked blatantly which earned him an elbow jab from his wife.

"What Por means to say is, how did you and Type meet after all this time?" Type's mother asked. Tharn narrated what had happened so far and even got to know what Type had been through.

"Uncle, Aunty... can you both do me a favor?" Type's father cocked an eyebrow at this.

"What is it, son?" Type's mother asked.

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