Chapter 19

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Tharn took a deep breath. He opened his mouth to finally confess and let out his feelings but was interrupted by Lhong.

"Hey guys, Tae and I are gonna go to bed. He's pretty tired from the travel and the drinks." Lhong stood up and helped up his boyfriend to balance onto him.

"Ooooo... Hey Lhong! You better not take advantage of my brother in his drunk state!" Rose teased.

Lhong rolled his eyes. "As if he would let me," Lhong said as he helped Tae walk up to the house. Finding it difficult to keep supporting him, he bent down and carried Tae bridal style.

"I'm gonna go too. After so many drinks, I need my beauty sleep." Rose excused herself next.

Tum stood up. "Are you coming too?" He asked Techno who was his roommate for the night. No looked at his unfinished beer in hand. "Just a heads up. I'm a light sleeper. I hate disturbances. So if we're sharing the room, just don't make sudden noises." Tum asked No and No nodded.

"I won't take long. I'll just finish my beer and go to bed quietly. Don't worry I won't cause any disturbances." No said and a loud laugh was heard which made Tum and No look in the direction. Type was laughing.

"I can't believe I'm hearing this. Am I really drunk or did I just hear No say that he won't cause any disturbances?" Type asked. Tum glared at No.

"Ai'sat Type. Just shut up! I know how to be careful." No yelled back.

"Shut up, my ass" Type hissed out.

"You know what, I'll just leave this beer here and let's go to sleep now, okay?" No stood up and soon disappeared almost running in the direction of the house. Tum shook his head and walked after him.

"Thanks for the noisy roommate, Tharn." He said sarcastically. Tharn smiled mischievously while sipping his beer. The original plan was for Tum and Tharn to share the room while No bunked with Type. But last minute, there were a few changes.

Type turned to face, "So, where were we?" He asked.

"Right... can I take a rain check on it? I'm pretty tired too. I'm gonna crash." Tharn sat up.

Type kept a neutral face though he was breaking down on the inside with disappointment.

"Yeah sure. You drove all the way here and you need your rest. Go ahead. I'll catch up with you later." Type said and took a swig of the beer in his hand.

"You're gonna be out here alone?" Tharn asked worriedly.

Type chuckled seeing his worried face. He decided to tease him.

"Aow... you're worried about me, silly. I'll be fine. I'm a man after all. Nothing can harm me. I'm used to this." Type said remembering some fond memories of when he was back home sitting on the hammock by the beach at night.

Tharn gave a thin smile. "Okay. See you soon na," Type nodded before Tharn got up and walked towards the cabin.

Type kept staring at Tharn's back before resting back on the hammock and closing his eyes which held back the tears from falling.

Tharn turned back and saw Type relaxing before walking away with a heavy heart.

'I'm sorry, Type. But I like what you and I have right now, Type. I don't want to jeopardize it by confessing to you and making it awkward between us.' Tharn thought as he walked inside.

He soon walked into the room and lay back in the center of the bed. He closed his eyes letting out a loud sigh. Before he knew it, he was asleep.

Tharn suddenly woke up and looked around. He took his phone and saw that it was past midnight. When he turned to look at Type, he couldn't find him. He then realized that Type hadn't come inside at all. Tharn immediately stood up and walked out of the room to find him. He rushed outside towards the place where they were hanging out before. But to his disappointment, Type wasn't asleep on the hammock. He ran his fingers through his hair. Type didn't know the place like how he did. What if he got lost?

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