Chapter 27

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Tharn had finished his class early. He decided to go to his dorm and wait for Type. But he stopped. He remembered how Type had come back tired the previous day. So he then decided to go and buy Type his favorite dish. He drove his car to the city and got out. He walked into the restaurant and ordered a take away for Spicy Shrimp porridge. Once he received the order he walked out and to his surprise, Lhong and Tae were about to walk in with Rose.

"Hey, Tharn! I thought you were going back to the dorm?" Lhong asked.

"Yeah, I am. Just stopped to buy dinner for Type," he said as he held up the takeaway bag.

"Oooo taking care of your wife, huh" Rose teased trying to holding in a squeal. Tharn blushed and tried to laugh it off.

"Anyway, what are you guys doing here?" He asked.

"Well, Lhong asked me whether we could go out and eat. I agreed knowing he asked me on a date. But my annoying sister here thought it was for all, and decided to tag along," Tae rolled his eyes. Rose winked her left eye at Tharn and then look around while sticking her tongue in her cheek, smirking.

Tharn laughed. He heard a familiar voice calling his name, but it couldn't be. But then he heard it again.


He turned around and was surprised. It was indeed Type. He saw Type looking both ways before beginning to run across the street with a bright grin.

The next scene was something Tharn would never be able to forget.

The car had come screeching around the corner, hitting Type before either of them could react. It was only a few moments, but it felt like hours in Tharn's mind, and the scene played over and over in his mind.

Type had tried to jump out of the way, but his forward momentum was too great. He'd turned slightly, expression morphing from joy to horror. The car had hit his legs first, bending them unnaturally as Type was forced onto the car. His shoulder hit the windshield next and Tharn knew his arm was broken. Then he was forced up and over as the car kept speeding on, his body hitting the pavement with a sickening thump.

The car didn't even slow down.

Tharn didn't care to run after the car but he pulled himself from his frozen state. He ran towards Type and pulled him into his arms.

"Type! Look at me! Please don't close your eyes. Stay awake, love. Please!" He kept tapping Type's face, begging him to stay awake.

"Tharn..." Type managed to say before he closed his eyes.

"Baby, please open your eyes, p..please..." Tharn pleaded but Type didn't.

The ambulance arrived and Type was lifted onto the gurney. Tharn asked them if he could ride with them in the ambulance, and they understood their relationship. So they agreed. Tharn never let go of Type's hand for the entire journey to the hospital. He was forced to let go only when they pushed the gurney into the emergency room.

Tharn ran his fingers through his hair. That's when he noticed that his fingers and his white uniform were stained with Type's blood. Tears flowed down his cheeks. He still couldn't bring himself to realize that the blood belonged to Type and that his lover was in the emergency room, battling for life. He collapsed into the chair nearby, head in his hands as he broke down into tears.

Just as he pulled himself together, he heard his friends running towards him.

"How's Type?" Tharn looked up. He looked dazed but he slowly shook his head.

"The... Uhm... doctors, still haven't come out. I'm still waiting...uh... for them," Tharn managed to say.

"Okay. Just wanted to let you know, we caught the guy who drove the car and booked a case against him." Lhong said and Tharn just nodded. He didn't care about that. He just wanted Type to wake up and be okay.

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