Chapter 7

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"In just a few moments, we'll be seeing Day6 live! OMG! I think I'm about to faint just thinking of them on stage," Rose squealed and pretended to faint and slant onto Tae who held his sister up not before rolling his eyes at her. The five of them were waiting outside the area in a line to get their ticket checked before going in.

"I still can't believe that you guys won tickets and backstage passes to see Day6," Type said in a casual tone though on the inside he was so excited.

Tharn smiled. He was happy that Type had agreed to come with him. He had panicked that Type would say that he was busy or that he wasn't interested. But he was surprised when Type agreed after Tharn told him that they had an extra ticket to the concert.

After band practice, Tharn returned to his dorm room with dinner. He found Type sitting at his study table, looking at his laptop like an excited child as he shopped for a new pair of shoes.

"Shopping for new kicks?" Tharn asked as he entered. Type turned around in surprise and shut his laptop.

"No!" He immediately almost yelled in a slightly higher tone than his normal one. Tharn chuckled.

"Its cool, dude! Why do you have to get so defensive?" Tharn shook his head as he walked towards the small table in the corner of the room to place their dinner.

"I'm not defensive... I was just surprised. That's all," Type looked away from Tharn's back to the floor shyly. He quickly turned around and opened his laptop again.

"Right..." Tharn once again chuckled at Type's childishness. "Anyway, I bought dinner tonight. I'll go freshen up, okay?" Type nodded without turning.

Once Tharn disappeared into the bathroom, Type once again closed his laptop and went to get his dinner.

A few minutes later, Tharn joined him and the two roommates had their dinner talking about random stuff until Tharn decided to ask him.

"Are you busy next Saturday night?" He asked as he sipped his water.

Type thought about it. "I don't know. Maybe... What's up?" He asked.

"Oh well, my band won a contest through which we got concert ticket and backstage passes. We have an extra ticket since Tum can't make it. The ticket's yours if you like," Tharn's heart was pounding in his chest, hoping that Type would say 'Yes'.

"Sure," Was all Type said. Though it was just one word, it meant a lot to Tharn. He gets to go to the concert with the love of his life.

"Who's concert are we going to anyway?" Type asked curiously. But Tharn was smiling like a crazy person after he heard Type say "We" in a sentence meaning them both.

"Ai'Tharn!" Type snapped his fingers in front of Tharn which knocked him back to reality.

"Sorry... just thinking if how much I cant wait for the concert. I've been waiting to watch Day6 live in concert ever since they debuted," Tharn said excitedly.

Seeing the excitement in Tharn and how happy he was, made Type smile. He didn't know why he was even smiling at his roommate. So he was excited. So was he...right? Of course, he was. He also had been trying before to get tickets to watch Day6 in concert. But he was really unlucky. He's stoked to finally see them and the bonus is the backstage passes.

But why does he feel like smiling by looking at Tharn's excitement and not about thinking of the concert tickets?

Tharn saw the smile that was glued to Type's face. He felt relieved and happy that Type was excited to go to the concert after all.

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