Chapter 20

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Double Chapter Update!


18+ Matured Content

Read at your own risk

(P.S: Those who feel uncomfortable reading smut, you can just skip this chapter)


Tharn without any hesitation slipped his hand under Type's T-shirt and pressed indecently against his chest. Type gasped when he felt Tharn's cold fingers against his hot skin and soon he was arching into his touch. Tharn had pulled away, bringing his other hand to press against the other hardened nipple, and Type bit his lip with a hiss.

Type looked up at Tharn and then rolled them over so that now he was on top. Type leaned down and kissed him slowly and carefully, savoring every second. Type continued, biting and sucking as Tharn grabbed the bottom hem of his T-shirt. Type broke the kiss just long enough for Tharn to lift it over his head and toss it aside. Tharn gazed up at his first love breathlessly, his hair was messed up and his lips were puffy and swollen. "Wow," he admired.

The sight in front of him was just...




"Tilt your head up," Tharn said softly and Type did so, even if he wasn't sure what he was doing it for.

Tharn hummed, and he could hear the sound of crickets and the leaves of the trees. "The moon makes your hair even brighter - beautiful."

Type opened his eyes and stared at the starry sky, trying to ignore how his body trembled with the torturous touch of Tharn which had resumed again while his brain certainly couldn't deal with such sincere compliments well. He bit the inside of his cheek, hating the hammering sweet warmth of his heart that threatened to overflow, catching on fire with the rough touch against his chest.

"T-Tharn..." He stuttered as he felt Tharn pinch and roll the nipple gently in between his fingers.

"Mmm..." Tharn hummed before he leaned in to take the other into his mouth, biting down gently. Type cried out, nails digging into his skin. No longer was his skin just hot, he felt like it turned to soft flickers of flames which were spreading down his spine as he exhaled harshly. "That feels - ah - good!" He moaned.

Tharn hummed in his throat, pulling away enough to give a bite right under Type's collarbone as his hands slipped away to spread out over his chest. Type's hand slipped through the mess of Tharn's brown locks to drag his nails over paler skin, enjoying the soft groan trapped in the Tharn's chest.

"My turn to taste." Type said as he pulled off Tharn's sweatshirt.

"Try not to mark me so badly if you can't explain to the others." Tharn teased.

"I'll try." Type's eye glittered as he moved to kiss Tharn's neck, sucking harshly on the skin until there was a nice mark left behind. He whined against Tharn when he felt Tharn's hands slide back down his chest and grab a handful of his ass which made Type bite down on the juncture between Tharn's neck.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while." He murmured against the Tharn' neck.

"Possessive much," Tharn responded breathlessly.

"You know it." Type smirked.

Tharn couldn't hold it any longer. He needed to taste Type. Once again he flipped them over so that he was now on top. Tharn crashed their lips together in a heated passionate kiss. Type let out an impatient groan when he felt Tharn's tongue swirl against his. Tharn smiled against Type's lips when he felt his lover's tongue explore his mouth. The two tried to dominate the kiss until Tharn began to grind down on Type and an almost whimper escapes from the latter's lips surrendering him under Tharn and letting him dominate the kiss.

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