Chapter 3

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Type brushed aside the weirdness of his roommate and walked towards the bathroom to take a hot shower.

Once the hot shower did a miracle to his tired bones, Type stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and a towel around his shoulders wiping his hair. He grabbed his suitcase and placed it on top of his bed before picking out the clothes for the party.

He settled for a simple white T-shirt with blue ripped jeans. Once he was done, he stood in front of the mirror and combed through his hair. He looked at his watch to see that he was right on time. He texted No to meet up with him in front of his dorm.

Within a few minutes, No replied saying that he was held in traffic and would be there as soon as he could. Type knew his friend was lying saying that he was in a traffic jam. In No's language, it meant that he was still getting ready. Type shook his head and walked towards his bed. He started to unpack his suitcase by taking his clothes out and putting them in his closet.

Meanwhile, Tharn and his band arrived at the bar where the party was going to be held and were asked to set up on stage as soon as possible. One of the band members, Rose started to plug her guitar into the small amplifier and tuned it up while Tharn set up the drums one by one placing each one in its position. The familiar task helped him to calm down and begin to act like himself again.

"What's the gig, Tharn?" Tum, one of the lead singers asked as he set up the microphone. Tharn shrugged.

"I don't know. The seniors over there approached me and asked us to play for the freshmen welcome party. I agreed."

Tum nodded knowingly and helped Tharn to make some small adjustments to the position of the instrument on stage. Tharn looked up to see Lhong, his other lead singer help Tae put up his keyboard. Good.

Tharn's band was formed way back in high school. Lhong, Tum, and Tharn were the treble musketeers. Whenever Tharn used to randomly picked up a beat, Lhong or Tum would pick it up and add a tune to it with some random lyrics. This dawned the idea to found a band.

Lhong's boyfriend, Tae knew how to play the keyboard while his sister Rose joined in as the lead guitarist.

Once they were all set up, Ohm the senior who requested Tharn and his band to play, approached the stage and asked them to start playing. The band members nodded and took their position.

Once they were ready, Tharn gave the countdown with his drumsticks.

"1....2... 1, 2, 3!"

Type and No showed up late to the party, but just in time to watch the crowd turn the regular bar into something that very much resembled an exclusive nightclub... complete with the dance floor now full of people, a crowded bar, and a band playing.

The floor was overflowing with party food which also held pub tables and bar stools for chatting. For a few moments Type enjoyed playing the role of observant crowd watcher, especially seeing all the girls mingling around with the other guys. As he made his way through the place with No as his shadow, he waied at a few people, met some giggling girls, and then shook hands and later made random conversation with some alumni and seniors.

While No went to get drinks for them seeing the crowded bar, Type decided to catch seats for them. Within seconds of sitting, Type had no less than two girls hovering over him at any given moment. They were flirting and giving him shoulder massages. He wasn't looking for a relationship with any of them, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy all the female attention.

But there was this nagging feeling at the back of his mind. He wondered how he got so popular among the crowd when he had just stepped foot onto campus a few hours back. Just then, No placed two drinks on the table and sat down next to him on the barstool. The girls seeing that Type was paying more attention to what his friend was gonna say than them, backed off and left the two friends.

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