Chapter 10

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Type was sitting on the bench and watching his teammates pass the ball around while their captain barked out orders. Though Type was needed out there to practice for the upcoming game in almost two weeks, his head wasn't in the game.

This morning when he had woken up, he felt weird, as though a car ran over him while he was sleeping. He had the hardest time getting out of bed, even though he wasn't sick, not like a hangover. He didn't feel like throwing up, he just felt weird. He wanted to get back to bed, but at the same time, he couldn't fall asleep anymore.

Tharn hadn't returned back last night. He texted Type saying that he was sleeping over at Tae's place for the night. He had already told Type a few days prior that he would return late at night for the band was practicing for the contest. He had sighed in disappointment knowing that he wouldn't be able to see Tharn since he would usually leave before Type woke up and return only after he slept. And with the football practice and academics work, Type wouldn't be able to stay up until his roommate returns.

But surprisingly Tharn didn't return last night and Type couldn't sleep. Every time he would doze off to sleep, he would get these visions that would wake him up. The emotional pressure he felt in those moments, would shake him out of his dreamland but when he tried to remember what he had dreamt of, his mind would be blank.

This made him grumpy the whole day and No knew that Type was in a mood which he didn't want to risk his neck. So he steered clear of Type until now.

"Are you planning to sit there and stare at the ground all through practice or are you going to move your lazy ass to the field?" No asked as he walked towards the bench area.

"I'm in no mood to play," Type said tonelessly.

"Fine. But if our P'Sam punishes you for not practicing, don't blame it on me," No said.

"Did I mention that I will blame you?" Type turned to look at No with a stare.

"Oh no, no, no. You didn't. I just said that, so that I won't get in trouble with you..." he muttered the last line hopefully that Type didn't hear but he did. To be honest, he didn't need another problem. Besides, maybe this football practice might take his mind off some things.

"You know what, let's play!" Type stood up and walked towards No who started walking backwards away from Type.

"I t-thought you didn't want to play?" No stuttered.

"I changed my mind," Type snapped. "Now are we going to play or what?"

"Uh-Uhm. Yeah. We are!" No ran towards the field to his teammates, away from his friend's clutches.

"No! Pass the ball!" P'Sam, their captain yelled. No glanced up and passed the ball the Type.

"Back back!" No yelled as he raced up the field. But Type didn't seem to hear. No slowly came to a halt out of breath as he saw Type running with the ball into the opposition's field. He felt that something was going on with Type.

On the other side of the field, Type wasn't feeling well at all. He was feeling a little dizzy at first but he needed to push through. When the game started his focus was going in and out. His mind taking him a million other places that weren't the football field. At one point, he decided to run the ball to the end zone himself, he hardly remembered the decision. He couldn't see through the uncontrollable tears that blurred his vision, and he couldn't think.

"Promise me, you'll be good at school."

"I'm sorry, brother. I failed you."

"Why don't you be my best friend?"

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