Chapter 22

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Ever since high school, Tum used to cook a few dishes for his brother, Tar before he left to stay with their mother in France. So among the friends, he was the only one who was experienced in cooking apart from strumming the guitar and being the lead singer of the band. That's how he became the unofficial chef of the trio and that group of friends began to expand little by little. Slowly, Tum went deeper into this world of cooking, watching tutorials, some cooking programs, experimenting here and there. Tum felt that he was the master of the kitchen, and that made him feel very useful. His friends loved his way of cooking and they were always grateful for the effort in preparing the meals of the entire week. Like every trip with his friends, Tum woke up early and tried to not make any noise, he put the coffee maker and began to prepare dough for pancakes, look for cereals, and then chopped fruit and put everything on the table.

Rose was the first to arrive at his side waiting for the pancakes and then poured a big cup of coffee. Lhong, the next to arrive began to analyze everything that is on the table and started filling his plate.

Techno and Tae appeared, Techno talking on his phone to his mother and Tae trying not to fall asleep at the table.

"Where's Tharn and Type?" Rose asked No who had finished with his call. He shrugged.

"Let's go wake them up," Rose left her empty coffee cup on the counter and dragged No with her upstairs to wake the two roommates up.

"Babe..." Lhong elbowed Tae who was still sleepy, to wake up. Tae whined and leaned onto Lhong's shoulder. "Baby, I love to see you sleep. But right now, you gotta wake up." Lhong kissed Tae's head who whined and sat up.

Techno and Rose were back after a few minutes with No whining at Rose for dragging him upstairs.

They sat down a few minutes later and Techno looked surprised at the table full of different things, and the way Tum kept putting more food on the almost full table. Rose stood up and poured herself another cup of coffee.

"Can you get me a cup too?" Techno asked Rose, who was pouring the coffee for herself.

"There isn't much left. I'll put a fresh cup to brew." Rose said and No nodded.

"Thanks, Rose." He said as he filled his plates with pancakes.

"Tum, for real, thank you so much", said Lhong with food in his mouth. Tae just nodded with a smile on his face to what was already said.

"You just love me because I cook, don't think I don't know you", Tum answered, placing a large number of pancakes in the middle of the table. His friends laughed but he knew that they really appreciated him.

A few minutes later, the coffee was ready and Rose stood up and poured No a cup of coffee.

"No! Your coffee is ready." She said and No stood up from the table to go to the kitchen. Rose held out the cup for No, and a hand reached out and grabbed it before No could take it. No and Rose looked at the owner's hand to find it none other than a grouchy, flustered face.

It was Type.

"Thanks, Rose." He said as he took the cup, turned around, and walked out of the kitchen leaving No baffled and Rose on the verge of laughing looking at No's shocked expressions.

"Hey, Ai'Type! That was my cup of coffee! Damn you!" No yelled.

"Do you want me to kick your ass?" He heard Type's voice yell back.

"Hey Ai'Type, just kidding. You enjoy the coffee. I'll get another cup." He turned to Rose who was holding in her laughter. "There's more coffee, isn't there?" He asked and Rose nodded. No let put a relieved sigh.

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