Chapter 33

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"Type!" Tharn cried out as he ran towards Type and wrapped his arms around him, careful not to hurt him but at the same time, preventing him from walking away.

"Tharn! Let me go!" Type struggled to get out of Tharn's hold. Though his heart was against his actions, he still struggled to get out.

"Type! Just listen to me! Please!" Tharn pleaded but Type couldn't hear of it. With all his strength, he pushed him away.

With the sudden unexpected force, Tharn lost his balance and fell back. His back leg slipped off the cliff edge. Type turned around to see Tharn going down the cliff before he reached out to grab Tharn before it was too late.

Tharn missed Type's hand but managed to grab hold onto the edge and propelled his legs against the side of the cliff. Type looked down with fear and panic.

"Tharn, grab my hand and I'll help you up. You need to use your legs to help hoist yourself up. I can't do this all by myself." informed Type as he held out his hand for Tharn to grab. If his other hand hadn't been broken, he could've pulled Tharn up easily.

"I won't drop you Tharn. Just push up on the rock," stated Type as he grabbed Tharn's hand trying to help him up. Just as they had almost gotten Tharn to safe ground his leg slipped on some loose rock on the side of the cliff, causing Type to fall too hard on his knees, almost letting go of Tharn's hand.

"Sorry," winced Tharn, as he tightened his grip on Type's arm, pushing himself up onto the safe ground to safety. Both of them collapsed onto the ground, their breathing slowing down after the almost-death experience.

A sobbing Type embraced Tharn when they both had calmed down.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't realize that we were standing so close to the edge." Type cried into Tharn's shoulders. Though Tharn was shaking in fear, he hugged Type tightly.

"I'm alright, love. I'm fine. You saved me," Type looked up as he saw Tharn looking at him calmly. Type was now straddling Tharn as Tharn had his arms wrapped around his waist.

Type caressed his face and slowly traced his fingers, "You don't have to be strong for me... I don't know what I'll do if I lose you," The tears welled up in Tharn's eyes and started to roll down his cheeks. The thought of dying crawled into his heart which made him bury his face into Type's chest. Type held him close, trying his best to comfort him.

"I'm sorry, Tharn. I love you..." Type whispered back, hoping and wishing Tharn heard him. He seemed to have calmed at his warmth and his words, his hands and arms settling above his.

Tharn looked up at Type. His eyes puffy and red from the crying. Type reached out and wiped the tears that had rolled down his cheeks.

"Do you know Type... this was what I was feeling when I saw you being hit by the car. Actually even worse. The thought of losing you scared the shit out of me! It broke my heart seeing you lying unconscious in the hospital," it was now Type's turn to cry. He didn't know that Tharn had felt like this when he was in the hospital.

"And..." Tharn looked away from Type as he held Type's hand in his. "The reason why I didn't tell you about our past in the first place is that I didn't know how to tell you."

"You could've told me that we were childhood best friends at least," Type caressed Tharn's face. Tharn turned to gaze back into his eyes.

"Were we, Type? We might have not known it at that age, but we both know that we had loved each other." Tharn left Type's hand and reached for the pendant Type had given him. "Type... this pendant was the gift from you! I always kept it on for it reminded me of our friendship... our love," Type smiled through his tears.

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