Chapter 36

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Chap Suppacheep as Drake Passakorn

Rose sighed as she just finished her last rom-com for the day in the private music room of her house. She usually enjoyed watching movies like these. But every year around this certain holiday she can't seem to stomach them. It was her all-time least favorite holiday; Valentine's Day, and once again like every other year, she doesn't have a date.


She was so busy sulking about her loneliness that she didn't even realize one of her closest male companions, Drake, had just walked in.

Drake was also from the Faculty of Music and was a classmate with the Tx5 band. Though they all hang out rarely, Drake tries to make it for their gigs not for them but for Rose, his best friend. Whenever her bandmates were busy with their love life, they would hang out together. They would go to cafes for coffee, hang out at the park, write songs together at her house, and so on.

He immediately noticed that she was distressed when he walked in and approached her with caution.

"Hey Rose, what's with the long face?" He asked as he sat beside her. She seemed shocked by his voice and jumped in her seat.

"Drake, when did you get here? You know what, never mind. I'm just annoyed about today's date." Rose said folding her arms. He rose a brow.

"What about today's date? Is it like the anniversary of something?" Drake asked. She was surprised he didn't know what today was.

"No, it's Valentine's Day. You know that horrible holiday where everyone's all lovey-dovey and everywhere you go, it's all decorated with hearts and fancy ornaments." Rose said bitterly.

Drake raised his hands in surrender.

"Woah there tiger calm down. Looks like someone is a little salty about being single." Drake teased her. She smacked his arm lightly.

"Am not! I'm know annoyed with it that's all." Rose said blushing. He knew that she was lying, but he decided to not say anything.

"I'm just a little annoyed that literally, all the people I know have dates today. Tae is off with Lhong, Tharn is with Type, hell even Tum is in love! I'm the only one dateless." She said.

"No, you're not. I'm dateless too." Drake said nonchalantly. She looked at him confused.

"There's no way in hell that you, Drake Passakorn Chen is dateless. You can literally have any girl you want in the snap of a finger." Rose said and Drake shrugged.

"Yeah well, I was never into just randomly going on dates with girls I rarely know." He said.

"Well, I guess it's just you and me on this dreaded day then." She said.

Suddenly, an idea came to Drake's head. 

"I've got an idea! What if we went out on a date except it's completely platonic? We'd be contributing to the holiday tradition, but we don't do all the lovey-dovey crap." He said.

Rose was shocked he thought of an idea like this. Every once and a while, he will amaze her with an amazing idea.

"Wow, Drake that's not a bad idea actually. Alright, I'm in." She said.

"Alright I'll pick you up at 7 and I will take you to the most unromantic completely platonic place imaginable," Drake said and Rose laughed.

"Sounds like a plan. See you then. Now I gotta go get ready for a not Valentine's day date." She said getting up from her spot with him following along.

"See you later." He said waving her off as he walked out the main door.

She chuckled.


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