Chapter 35

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18+ Matured Content
Read at your own risk

Tharn emerged about five minutes later from the bathroom. He got ready for bed and slid in next to Type who was already fast asleep on his back. The only sound in the otherwise silent room is the sound of his even breaths and Tharn watched the rise and fall of his shoulders.Type grunted quietly and turned to face Tharn.

Before Tharn could stop himself, he found his fingers slipping through the dark locks of Type's bed-headed quiff- the strands of brown hair.Tharn loves to gaze at Type. Especially when he's asleep with his features softened, young and fragile. The minute he is swallowed up by the waves of slumber, his cocky façade and the stern frown lines in between his eyebrows disappear and Tharn gets to appreciate Type's cute features.

Tharn saw Type slowly opening his eyes, the brown orbs focusing on him after a few moments of adjusting to the darkness. Tharn was met with a charming smile, hooded eyes, and bedhead: Sleepy Type.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" He whispered hoarsely and Tharn sighed contently with a smile.

"Just thinking about how handsome you are," Tharn mumbled, smiling wider when Type blinked sleepily at him.

"Mmh, really?" Type purred, rolling on top of Tharn and straddled Tharn with his legs on either side of Tharn. Tharn smirked up at him and pinched his cheek with his fingers.

"You look sleepy," he mumbled, laughing quietly.

"So cute. I like fluffy Type," he said and he swore Type pouted before nipping at his jaw with his teeth lightly, giving him a playful growl in return.

"I'm not cute, I'm tired and I have to share my bed with my boyfriend; it's not as easy as one may think," he whispered in a husky voice against Tharn's ear and Tharn had to hold in a moan.

"Type... your parents are awake and are outside," Tharn knew what Type had in mind. Though he didn't object to it, Tharn couldn't bring himself to do anything with Type's parents in the next room.Type, on the other hand, looked up at the time to see that it was almost ten. He turned to see the lights seeping through the door were now turned off. This meant that Type's parents had gone to bed.

"They aren't awake. The lights are turned off," Type winked as he rocked his hips and rubbed their clothes bulges together. Tharn moaned quietly and reached up to bury his fingers in Type's hair, tugging his head down. They kissed passionately and Type loved being reminded how amazing he is at this. Type's tongue traces his lower lip and Tharn gasped quietly into his mouth, one of his hands sliding down to the back of Type's neck, holding him closer. Type moaned as their tongues swirled and danced around.

"Aah..." Type moaned when Tharn's hungry mouth left him and started trailing heated kisses down his neck.

"You drive me crazy, Type," Tharn whispered in his ear, his breath hot and raspy, and then licked the shape of his ear. Hearing this, Type once again ground his hips against Tharn's earning a growl from the latter. Tharn started to nibble his ear. Type looked into his eyes and Tharn stared back, his eyes now a foggy brown, dark, and filled with so much lust which made Type whimper.

All of a sudden, Tharn grabbed Type's thighs tightly and flipped him over. Type gasped. Suddenly, he was laying on his back, legs spread, with Tharn kneeling in between his legs. Type slid his hand behind his boyfriend's head and brought it closer before he pressed their lips together into another searing passionate kiss.

As their kiss continued to get deeper, Tharn slowly slid one hand up Type's shirt, caressing his skin gently. Type slightly parted his lips, inviting Tharn's tongue inside his mouth. Their tongues swirled into each other's mouths with a burning passion. Everything about Type got him feeling so overjoyed and full of love. When those brown eyes fluttered open to stare into Tharn's brown orbs, it felt like he was falling in love all over again. He could never get used to the sight of Type's eyes. They're breathtaking.

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