Chapter 37

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Type was in awe. He couldn't take his eyes off his drummer boyfriend.

Tharn spun the drumsticks through his fingers as they came falling down on the cymbals and the drums with tenacity and vibrancy that left Type's body pulsing with each thump of the bass drum.

His hair was flopping around and Type recognized the intense look as the same Tharn makes when he is in an intimate state of euphoria. As Type watched with his mouth hanging open, Tharn threw one drumstick into the air, caught it with immaculate precision as it turned in the air, and hit it with force on the biggest gold cymbals as the song came to a halting end. Tharn just closed his eyes, while breathing hard and smiling at the ceiling, letting his hands drop. Tharn then looked out at the audience and winked in Type's direction.

Champ elbowed No beside him, "Look at him, he's so whipped," he said.

Though Type heard him, he ignored him. He was mesmerized with Tharn right now and nothing could stop him from admiring his boyfriend.

"Urgh..." No chugged down the beer.

"Hey No, what's wrong with you?" Champ asked wondering what had happened to his talkative friend who was silent the entire time.

"Nothing..." Techno frowned deep in thought as he took one of the shots on the table and chugged it down. At that time, two guys entered the bar and spotted the group before walking towards them.

"Hey guys, hope we're not too late!" Drake now stood beside Champ grinning at the stage where the band was performing.

Champ shook his head, "Nope. They just started."

"Cool!" He took a seat beside Champ before ordering drinks.

"Oh! Who's this?" Champ asked and Drake turned to introduce the other guy who tagged along with him.

"Oh, this is Kengkla, my cousin. He just transferred to our university a couple of weeks ago." Champ nodded and greeted Kengkla who returned his greeting. When Champ turned around to talk to No, he saw his friend in a frozen state. No was sitting with wide eyes looking at the new guy, Kengkla.

"Sawadee, P'No..." The guy greeted him with a cheeky smile and No gulped.

Champ looked at the two in surprise before turning to Kengkla, "You know him? Since when? And you're the same age as us...Why do you address him as Phi?" Champ asked confused.

"Ohh, that's because P'No is elder to me by a few months," Kengkla said but his eyes were locked on Techno. This made Champ confused again. He looked towards Type and Drake to get them to help but the two seemed oblivious to their surroundings and friends as their gaze was locked on the band members. Champ rolled his eyes.

"Wait a minute, hold on... How do you know No's birthday? I don't even know myself! This brings me to the question I asked earlier, do you guys know each other?" Kengkla gave a teasing time towards No which made the latter start ushing red.

"Why don't you ask P'No..." Kengkla said with a wink and when Champ turned he let out a small gasp. No's cheeks were red in embarrassment. Hearing this, snapped Type and Drake back to reality. Type's eyes widened when he saw his foul-mouthed best friend blushing. He turned to see a new guy smiling cheekily at his friend and No was blushing at that!

Techno, his best friend was blushing!

"Why are you blushing?" Type asked No and then turned to Drake, "And who's he?" He asked.

"Oh, he's my cousin, Kengkla. He transferred here a few weeks back." Type's eyes widened in realization. He turned back to No who had buried his face into his arms on the table.

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