Chapter 8

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After meeting up with the members of Day6, the five friends walked out of the arena. People flanked them as the enormous crowd that had come to see Day6 filtered out.

The bright lights of the marquee still flashed, casting shadows in front of the crowd as it shuffled along through the narrower exits. The teenagers and most of the young adults talked excitedly about the awesome concert as they made their way, eventually spilling out in a wave into the parking lot.

Type had to admit it had been an amazing concert. He was not a huge of Day6 as Tharn and his bandmates were, but it had still been fun. That was not even mentioning the backstage pass they had gotten for a post-show meetup, either. Even he had been a bit star-struck meeting the band members of Day6. He could clearly tell by Tharn's expressions that he was on cloud nine.

The crowd slowly thinned out as everyone broke off for various parts of the packed lot to their cars or elsewhere. Tharn and Type decided to take the metro along with their friends.

Tharn was in an ebullient mood as they walked out and towards the metro station on the far side of the parking lot. He was walking backwards, ahead of Type singing along with his bandmates "I messed up tonight! I lost another fight!"

Type smiled and inwardly chuckled as he watched Tharn's movements.

Type smiled despite himself... or was it a smirk? He honestly had a hard time telling when he was smirking or smiling anymore. It didn't feel like smiling, so he slotted it over to the 'smirk' column. Especially considering the mood he was in.

"What did you think of the concert, Type?" Lhong asked falling into step with Type along with Tae.

"Well, I gotta say Lhong, that was pretty cool," he said. He had to admit, it had been a pretty darn good day in general, and yes, getting a backstage pass to meet one of the most popular Korean bands was pretty good. So why am I feeling so... what? he thought.

He couldn't put a name to how he was feeling. Giddy came to mind, or anxious. He absentmindedly rubbed at his chest, which seemed to ache any time he was around Tharn these days.

Just my luck, he thought, one of the best days of my life and I die of a heart attack.

The more he watched his roommate move around to an imaginary beat, the name for what he was feeling started to form in his head. Despite trying to perpetuate the lie he had so carefully maintained and crafted over these few days, he was beginning to understand. He was starting to come to grips with why he was on edge but tried to tell himself it was still a mystery.

The way Tharn turned and smiled at him, the way it curved and the smile was different from his other smiles like it was only meant for him, how he was still wired and full of energy after an amazing show, it was all getting burned into his brain.

'And my heart... Ugh, when did I turn into such a softy.' Type thought.

Tharn was too wrapped up in replaying the concert in his head to notice how lost in thought Type looked.

Type managed to pinpoint when it started to bother him tonight. That ever so brief moment when their eyes met. It was more than just that, though. That had just been a catalyst for something else he had been ignoring or, at least, refusing to acknowledge for days. Maybe weeks.

Tonight, though... tonight, and particularly right now, right this instant, it was rapidly building. It was bordering on panic, and it took all his effort to keep himself calm.

"What do you say we all celebrate at P'Jeed's bar?" Tharn asked. Type felt he needed a drink but then went against it. The drink will only lower his inhibitions and he would do something he would regret.

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