Chapter 6

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Pale blue skies reigned overhead. The sun blazed down, showering the earth with its ultraviolet rays. Drifting clouds lagged and hovered in the sky, lazily moving, you could barely see their translations. Birds in the sky, carefree, nothing terrible to worry for. But below on the island, a young boy waiting for his best friend, his first love to bid him goodbye.

Just as the car was driving away from the now vacant house a boy around his age ran after the car.


"Stop the car!" Tharn yelled at his dad. He opened the door and jumped out in happiness even before the car came to a halt. He ran towards Type and the two boys met up halfway.

"I'm sorry..." Type had puffy eyes and his nose was red. Fresh tears began to stroll down the boy's face.

Tharn reached out and cupped Type's face and wiped away the tears with his thumbs.

Tharn had never shared the connection he felt with Type with another living soul, and he was sure he never would again.

"There are so many things I want to say to you, Type. Too many..." Type was looking down, refusing to meet his gaze, but Tharn could see the tears dropping to the floor from behind the curtain of his short bangs.

"Hey," he called, his own voice sounding thick. He needed Type to look at him. He needed to memorize his face. He needed to look at him for just a few more minutes. He needed to stare into his eyes and feel that connection just one last time before he had to walk away.

"Type," he tried again when he still didn't him to look up. Placing a finger under his chin, he brought his face up level with his own. Type looked so lost, his soulful brown eyes, pools of dark, glittering hopelessness.

Tharn face crumpled at this, and Type's composure finally cracked. The sobs he'd been holding back broke free, and he reached out to hug Tharn, his head against Tharn's chest.

"I don't want you to go, Tharn," he whispered brokenly.

"I know you have to, but I don't want you to leave me here alone."

"You won't be alone," Tharn tried to soothe, but he didn't feel any better at the sound of his hollow words than he seemed to.

Type met his gaze then, and Tharn could see in his eyes how badly this was hurting Type. He'd give anything to not have to go, but he did have to, and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it. Using his thumbs to wipe the tears from under Type's eyes, he allowed his fingers to caress Type's damp cheeks. He didn't want to draw out Type's suffering any longer than necessary. "I gotta go soon, Type."

Type nodded his head jerkily in response and tried to smile, but failed miserably. His face was blotchy, his lashes wet, his eyes red-rimmed and his dishevelled hair, but he looked beautiful to Tharn. He never wanted to stop looking at Type, but it was getting late, and he did have to go soon.

Type's hand disappeared into his sweat pants pocket and pulled out a chain with a stainless steel vertical bar pendant. He reached out and clasped the chain around Tharn's neck. Once he was done, Tharn took a look at the pendant.

On two sides there were some numbers inscribed on it, while on the third side, the inscriptions made Tharn smile as tears brimmed his eyes.


"This was supposed to be your birthday gift... Those numbers are the coordinates to the place we met. It'll be a reminder of me...of us. And your guide back home... to me." Type said which made Tharn to quickly pull him in for a hug. The two boys stood there in each other's embrace, what felt like hours was just only a few seconds before they broke away from the hug.

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