Chapter 21

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Sunlight filtered in through the closed curtains, painting the room in a surreal golden hue. Tharn woke before Type their first morning there, warm rays of sunlight already filtering through the cracks in the curtains. It had offered more than enough light for him to see Type, sound asleep in Tharn's shirt on his stomach with his arm around Tharn's waist.

He shifted onto his side, careful not to wake him, and lifted himself on his elbow as he looked down at him. The steady rise and fall of his back with each breath he took let him know he was still sound asleep. He thought Type was the most cutest when he was sleeping. He was always handsome, of course, but sleeping, he was relaxed without a care in the world, his sleep-flushed tanned skin with a rosy hue that gave him an innocent appearance.

He enjoyed looking at his peaceful and beautiful sleeping face. He didn't want to wake him up.


Type called his name in his sleep, very gently like something he treasured and seemed to be smiling. Tharn couldn't help but blush and softly kissed his cheek and rested his head against Type's.

When he saw Type moving, he slowly moved away and trailed his hands down Type's back. He massaged his hips while he peppered kisses on Type's shoulder which earned a moan from Type. He trailed down his fingers down Type's spine under the shirt and drew patterns on his back. He leaned forward to reach his neck and planted his lips behind Type's ear blowing a raspberry on the sensitive skin there. "Tharn..." Type opened his eyes and was greeted with Tharn's loving smile.

Tharn leaned down and kissed Type on the lips. It was short and sweet leaving them feeling content in the morning peace. "Good morning, Type" he said softly.

"What time is it?" Type turned around to face Tharn flinching when he felt the soreness of his body from their activities of the previous night. His pained expression was never missed by Tharn who immediately rushed to his bag and got Type a painkiller with a glass of water.

"It's gonna be ten," Tharn said as he walked back towards the bed. Type had managed to pull himself to sit and accepted the pill and the water from Tharn.

After he had taken the painkiller, Type cuddled up next to Tharn draping his arms around his waist, and rested his head on his chest.

"How are you feeling?" Tharn asked in a concerned tone.

Type chuckled. He lifted his head and looked up at Tharn. He held Tharn's chin, "I'm not gonna lie. I feel sore... But it's worth it." Type said which made Tharn frown at first and then smile again.

Tharn's hands had trailed down again and were massaging Type's hips hoping that he would find some relief. "Do you wanna sleep for some more time?" Tharn asked as his other hand stroked Type's hair.

Type shook his head, "I don't wanna sleep. I just want you to hold me." He said and how could Tharn ever say no to that.

"Type... are you free tomorrow?" Tharn asked.

"Why do ask?" Type wondered what it could be.

"I want to take you out on our first date. So you're free or not?" Type blushed as he lifted his head again and looked at Tharn with love and adoration in his eyes.

He slowly pressed a kiss to Tharn's chest and without any reply, he lay back down on Tharn's chest. Tharn's heart swelled with happiness and love.

"I'll take that as a Yes, then." Tharn smiled as he leaned forward and pecked Type's hair. Tharn just smiles in response, his heart soaring with all the love he has for the man in his arms.

Tharn traces his lover's spine and the curves in his back. His other hand plays with the hair over Type's neck, and runs through the rest of his hair and back again. He brings his hand up to scratch Type's scalp gently, knowing how much he loves that. Type just hums in response, the sound way too similar to cat's purr, and Tharn laughs a little before closing his eyes and resting his head against Type's.

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