Chapter 14

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Sitting on his drum throne, Tharn was playing air drums exaggeratedly to the rhythm of the music that played loudly in his wireless headphones, honey brown eyes screwed shut.

In front of him was Tum, who currently sat crossed-legged on the floor, gaze locked on his phone as he texted his stepbrother, Tar.

Pacing nearby in search of good lighting was Rose, who had her mobile's front camera out, testing the different filters she had discovered on Instagram and pulling off a variety of facial expressions and hand gestures.

A peaceful quiet had enveloped them in the passing minutes, making the day feel like one that was mundane. It probably had looked like they were just warming up for practice until the atmosphere when sulking Lhong and pleading Tae walked in.

Lhong walks ahead of Tae who is following him.

"Babe... talk to me!" Tae pleads.

Tharn looks up straight at Tum. He shrugs. The two then turn to face Rose, who shakes her head and mouthed the words, "I don't know."

"Oh really! You want me to talk to you? Why don't you go and talk to that Peach or whatever fruit she's been named after?" Lhong said nonchalantly.

Tae rolled his eyes. "Is this why you are mad at me? Just because Pear is back in town?" Tae was surprised.

Tharn and Tharn once again looked at each other and then turned at looked Rose simultaneously.

Rose motioned them to keep quiet and to slowly exit the practice room to give the couple their privacy. The three friends did as they were told and exited the classroom. Rose was the last to leave. But as soon as she closed the door, she turned back and slowly opened it and peeped in.

"Rose..." Tharn warned.

"Oh shut up! It's been days since I saw my brother begging. Let me take some photos of his stupid face." She said as she pulled out her phone and began to click photos of her brother who was whining at his boyfriend.

Tharn and Tum rolled their eyes at their friend's behavior. They nodded at each like they could read each other's minds and walked towards Rose and each stood by her side. They grabbed her shoulders and dragged her away.

"Oh, come on guys! Just one more..." she whined but the two boys didn't let her go.

"I can't believe you are still jealous of her! So what if we're hanging out tomorrow. We're just gonna catch up and talk. Maybe shop." Tae explained and Lhong shot him a glare. Lhong was now standing against the small stage with Tae close beside him.

"Though you both might be on good terms after you broke up, I still don't trust her." He crossed his arms across his chest as he pouted.

Tae chuckled. His boyfriend is so cute when he sulks.

"Fine. You can tag along." He finally said.

Lhong looked up at his lover, "Really?" He asked childishly and Tae nodded chuckling at his Lhong's behavior.

"Now can you stop sulking and smile?" Tae smiled and Lhong finally mirrored his lover's smile. Tae leaned in and pecked Lhong's lips before the two fell into each other's embrace.

Lhong stood with his back facing the wall and his eyes focused on Tae and Pear hugging in front of him. They were currently at the mall waiting for Pear to arrive and when she did, it was a sight which made Lhong furious.

He trusted Tae, of course, he did, but he still remembers all those nights a few years ago when all Tae could ever talk about was how 'pretty Pear was' and how 'smart Pear was' and how much he wanted to ask her out! It made his heartache thinking about it, but at least Tae was his now, and he worried a lot less.

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