Chapter 25

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After exhausting themselves in ice skating, Tharn drove Type to their next destination, a restaurant where they served European dishes as well as Southern dishes. He knew that Type loved spicy Southern dishes.

Type was amazed by the ambiance of the restaurant. They gave their order and chatted while waiting for the waitress to bring their food.

Soon their meals were served and the couple enjoyed it. The training made them feel very hungry that they focused on their food and didn't talk much.

After they finished their meals and dessert, they walked to the elevator and pressed the underground parking. As they walked towards the car, Tharn walked closer to Type, their arms almost touching. His fingers slowly moved towards Type's and intertwined their fingers, a blush growing on Type's face.

When they reached the car, they parted. Type got into the passenger's seat while Tharn got into the driver's seat.

Before Tharn could turn the keys into the ignition, Type reached out and took Tharn by surprise by pulling him by his neck and pecking him on the lips. Tharn turned towards Type seeking more when Type pulled away.

Type chuckled. He loved how a single peck from him had such an effect on Tharn. The two roommates were turned on by now, and there was no going back.

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Type undoes his seatbelt for him and slides into Tharn's lap.

"Hey," Type whispered, his hands settling on Tharn's shoulders. He seemed almost shy now that he's on top of Tharn, unsure of what to do next.

Tharn doesn't mind helping him out.

"Hey yourself," he whispered as he slid his hands beneath Type's shirt to grip his hips. He leaned into Type, making their chests bump together, and kissed him. It's soft at first their lips moving languidly together, searching, learning one another's mouths.

Tharn smiled into the kiss. Type tasted a bit like the chocolate fudge he had eaten for dessert. Tharn hummed with content as he licked his way into Type's hot mouth, feeling the familiar warmth spread through his body. One-touch from Type and Tharn was burning.

Type slowly shifted in his position, his ass now pressing down against Tharn's imprisoned member. Tharn moaned out in surprise, his fingers digging into Type's skin hard enough to leave bruises. Type's hands slid up from his shoulders into his hair and the achingly slow way they're moving together becomes desperate once more.

Type rocked his hips, his mouth trailing down Tharn's chin to his neck where he bites. Tharn groans at the feeling of blunt teeth digging into his skin. "Fuck, Type."

"Do you like that?" Type asked against his neck, his tongue slipping from his mouth to soothe over the sting his teeth left behind.

Tharn bucked up against him as Type nipped at him again. Sharp tendrils of pain and pleasure coursing through him, "Yes" he hissed out breathily and Type chuckled.

Type's fingers tangle in his hair and jerked his head back. His tongue latched at the hollow of Tharn's throat and then he licked up, all the way to the tip of Tharn's chin and bit down gently. His confidence now growing, he feels he's ready to take the next step.

"You taste good, Tharn," Type murmured as he moved up towards Tharn's ear. His voice gets lower, devious. "I bet you taste even better down here."

Tharn hadn't even noticed that one of Type's hands had left his hair until Type was palming him through his jeans. His clever fingers moving teasingly over Tharn's hard member.

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