Chapter 34

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Type smiled as his feet hit the warm sand, moving between his toes soothingly. He took a deep breath and breathed in the salty air. The sun was shining brightly on his face and he felt completely at peace. Type felt a hand snake around his waist, pulling him into the chest of someone else. He turned his head with a smile to look up at Tharn, who kissed his forehead.

"Come on," Tharn said, started to walk forward, his arm still around Type's hips. Type moved with him and they walked through a pair of dunes. Past the dunes was an open beach, the water a dark, dark blue that turned into a beautiful turquoise as it got closer to shore. There were a few families spread out on the beach, with hyper children running in every direction with seashells and different toys. There was enough room between groups of people that you couldn't even hear them talking. Tharn and Type decided to take a spot towards the dunes on the beach so they could look out over the water and be somewhat secluded. It was beautiful out and Type couldn't wait to get into the water.

They laid out their towels and a blanket, putting the cooler behind them. Tharn pulled out a soda and handed one to Type as well. As the two sipped their sodas, they watched some fathers play with their kids in the water.

Tharn took a deep breath, the refreshing and slightly burning smell of the cold salty water and the warm sand felt like it was purifying his lungs.

"You look really happy," Type said with a bright and teasing smile, and Tharn could only roll his eyes fondly.

Of course, he was happy. Not only was he at one of his most favorite places, but he was with the person he loved the most and they sure would have lots of fun together.

"Do you wanna go in the water?" Tharn asked and Type looked out at the water and sighed.

"I wish," he motioned for his hand which was still in the sling.

"You don't have to get it wet. We can just get our legs wet. And besides, I bought you this," Tharn said as he opened the bag they brought and pulled out a brown cover. Type was curious to know what it was. When he received it from Tharn, his eyes widened. It was a waterproof sling.

Type let out a smile.

"What would I do without you?" He reached out and held Tharn's hand. Tharn smiled back fondly. He pulled it out of the bag and Tharn helped him to put it on.

"Let's go," Tharn said and Type took one last sip of his soda and nodded fervently before placing the can next to Tharn's. He didn't take out his shirt but Tharn did. Type couldn't help but look at Tharn's front, which was covered in perfectly defined muscles. Around his neck hung the single silver chain that held a pendant which he had given. He couldn't believe that this man in front of him was his.

Tharn raised his hand and Type gratefully took it. They walked hand in hand to where the water washed up onto the damp sand. Type's feet sunk in a bit and the soft sand massaged his skin beautifully. A wave came and water came up and over the pair's feet. It wasn't that cold - actually, it wasn't cold at all. Type excitedly looked at Tharn and pulled him in farther until both of their knees were under the water. It felt extremely refreshing on such a hot day, and it was the perfect temperature to keep them cool, yet not freezing.

Since Type was wearing a waterproof sling, he didn't get worried about starting a splash fight with Tharn. He splashed some water at Tharn, making him laugh. Tharn splashed water back at him and soon they were playfully hitting each other with water.

After a few hours of splashing water and playing around, they both started to get a bit tired and hungry, so they left the water and made their way up the beach to their blanket. They sat down and Tharn pulled out some sandwiches from the cooler that Type's mother had made for them. As they ate and drank, they shared a few kisses and laughs.

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