Chapter 24

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The next day, Tharn and Type woke up as usual and got ready for class. Tharn wanted to accompany Type to his Faculty and have breakfast with him. But Lhong had texted him that they had to meet with the professors to discuss a few details with the Chairman.

"I'll see you after class," Tharn said and Type nodded. The couple parted towards their respective faculties.

The day went well for them both though it was kind of exhausting. But the thought that kept them going was the excitement for their first date.

Type returned back to the dorm to see that Tharn was already in the shower. Type had already showered after practice, so all he had to do was change his clothes. Just as he finished, the bathroom door opened and Tharn walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Hey! When did you get back?" Tharn asked as he wiped his hair with the towel on his neck. Type was speechless. He focused on the water droplets running down Tharn's abs and gulped before trailing his eyes up to meet the smirk on Tharn's face.

"Like what you see," Tharn teased as he walked closer to Type. Type reached out and stopped Tharn by placing his hand on his chest. Type almost gasped at the contact. The smirk on Tharn's face widened and he was grinning looking at the blush on Type's face.

"I'm gonna go and get some fresh air by the time you get ready," Type gulped before almost running out of the room. Tharn chuckled. He didn't stop Type for he knew if he did, they would never get the chance to go on their date.

Tharn got ready as soon as he could before Type came back. When Type walked back in, he was stunned. The light behind Tharn was shining as a backlight making his hair highlights shine golden. Tharn was dressing in a white hoodie and blue jeans. Type gulped again.

"Wow!" Tharn heard. He turned to see Type standing in the doorway, his eyes traveling up and down. "You look good." Type told Tharn, honesty pouring into his words.

"You don't look so bad yourself," Tharn said, his eyes looking over Type. He was wearing a black sweater shirt and blue jeans with his hair, teased a bit.

"So, shall we go?" Tharn asked and Type nodded. The two roommates walked out and Tharn locked the door behind them.

"So, where are we going?" Type asked Tharn as the two got in Tharn's car.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out. Besides, it's a surprise." Tharn said and Type groaned.

"By the way, here you go, wear this," Tharn took an eye mask from the glove compartment and handed it over to Type. Type stared at him.

"What for?" He asked.

"I know you are getting impatient. But come on, just wear it. I'm sure, it'll be worth it," Tharn tried his best to convince Type and it finally worked.

"Fine, if you say so." Type took it and wore it.

"No peeking," Tharn warned as he started the car and drove to the destination. Type bugged Tharn a few times about their location, but Tharn didn't give in.

Once they arrived, Tharn parked the car before helping Type inside. He guided Type until they reached a spot. Tharn stood behind Type, as he slowly removed the eye mask.

Type let out a small gasp of surprise. He was standing inside the ice rink. He had always wanted to go ice skating but never had a chance. His parents were very protective of him, especially in sports activities. Ever since he had injured his head when he was young, his parents were very careful of him. And now, his wish came true all because of Tharn.

He was startled out of his glee when a pair of hands wrap around his own. It was as if the mere thought of his name called Tharn to him. He was pretty sure that was more true than not with their connection, but he pushed the thought from his head in favor of bringing Tharn's arms around him.

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