Chapter 16

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People were cheering, glasses were clinking, some people were singing in praise of their victory. Some of the team were dancing like fools. It was a purely festive celebration.

Unlike his teammates, Type didn't drink much. He was slowly sipping the beer in hand. If the past Type was celebrating now with his teammates, he would have been drunk just like them. But no, not the Type now. He had to control his drinks in order not to make a fool of himself in front of his roommate or worse, blurt out the confusions he's been experiencing the past few weeks.

It's been half an hour since Tharn and his band entered P'Jeed's bar. When they entered the team congratulated them. Then Tharn and his band found another table to celebrate alone and left the football team to their celebrations.

Type watched Tharn at the bar standing next to a pretty girl. She says a few words to him and Tharn looks up at the bartender's eye and flashes him a quick two on his fingers as a dark brown haired girl settles up beside him. She smiles politely, sees his face, and then flutters beautifully with interest.

Type looks away as the feeling of annoyance rises within him and he drinks it down with the end of his beer. The empty glass feels weightier as it's drained and he can't help looking back. Tharn is having two bottles of beer set in front of him but he doesn't initially notice since he is talking to her. He's a bit awkward and Type can see that the girl was a bit too keen

With no drink, Type swallows thickly and tries to listen to No talk about some drama circulating the Faculty. Normally he'd be rapt with attention for the gossip, but unfortunately, more glaring attention was taking control.

Tharn took the two bottles now and the girl was leaning toward him to say something. Type didn't need to hear her know she was making him an offer and the annoying feeling inside him tells him to look away but he can't seem to do it.

Tharn shifts awkwardly and offers an angular shrug. And by his body language he's extracting himself, offering apologies, and he can almost see the twist of his lips '-with my friends, I'm sorry' and Tharn glances back at the football team's table and meets Type's eyes. Type knew it was his own fault for staring and he's not exactly given himself away by looking, but he feels a guilty flash of heat at being caught.

The girl doesn't seem devastated and Type feels the feeling of annoyance inside of him recede. He looks back at the bar to see Tharn walking towards their table with two bottles of beer. Type blinks as a bottle is set down in front of him and the lean man fits himself back between Type and No.

"What's this?" Type's brow furrowed.

" We're here to celebrate, aren't we? Besides you were low on drinks" Tharn looked at Type's freshly empty beer can and then play-reached for the beer back, "Unless you don't want it."

"I was only basking in the small miracle, Tharn. You buying me a round?" Type smirked and curled the glass away from his roommate's long grasping fingers.

Tharn chuckled. "If you want..."

Before Type could reply, he heard Lhong call out.

"Hey, Tharn! You've got to hear this!" He yelled. Tharn looked at Type and all he could do was nod. Tharn excused himself and walked towards his band.

Everything is back to normal. The feeling of annoyance is asleep again and when Type sees that girl across the pub, he feels nothing at all for her. It wasn't about her or anyone else. It never was and never would be.

He was jealous of her freedom to approach, her bravery to ask, and he knew that he could never ever do the same. Right now, he needed to breathe.

He stood up and began to walk away when a hand stopped him.

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