Chapter 13

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It was around 8 in the morning when Tharn and Type arrived at the hospital. Football practice was coincidentally postponed to noon since many of the second year players had to prepare for their class quiz. The two roommates had their classes only at nine-thirty, so they weren't in a hurry.

They walked in casually and approached the nurse at the reception. "Sawadee krap. Type Thiwat. I'm here to get my scan results." The nurse nodded and checked her charts.

"Yes. Dr. Arm Suphanthuwong is waiting to see you." She nodded towards and they thanked her before walking down the corridor to the doctor's office.

Type knocked on the door. "Come in!" A voice from behind permitted them to enter. Type enter alone first.

"Type! At last! I was waiting for you." Dr. Arm turned in his chair and smiled.

"Both of you, please come in and take a seat," Type turned to look at Tharn. His eyes met Tharn and he slowly nodded. Tharn entered and closed the door behind him.

The two took their seats in front of the doctor. Arm pulled out Type's results and read through it again. The silence from the doctor made Type anxious and nervous. His fingers kept moving and fumbling with his pants. Tharn saw this and slowly reached out to hold Type's hands which had gone cold. Type didn't pull his hand away but rather he relaxed slowly.

"Okay... I'm not gonna keep you from the suspense. It's all good news. Your results are all normal and there's nothing to worry about." Type let out a breath which he had been holding in.

"Thanks, Phi," He smiled in relief.

"I hope you didn't mind, but I looked upon your previous medical records to see the development. And these results definitely show some improvement compared to the previous ones taken a few years back after your accident." Type nodded in understanding. Tharn was now curious and concerned.

What accident had happened a few years back?

"Do you get any headaches? Or nausea?" Arm asked.

"Except for yesterday, none Phi. My head hurt for a few days after the fall but after that I was alright." Type said firmly.

"Well, that's good then. Did you tell your parents yet?" Type looked away and shook his head slowly.

"Type... I know I said I wouldn't say anything. But as your doctor, I can't stay silent. Your results might be normal, but at least you owe it to your parents to tell them." Type nodded.

"Okay Phi. I'll tell them tonight for sure. I promise." Arm smiled.

"That's good. And don't you break your promise. Remember, I will know if you don't tell them. Cuz you know that once you tell them, your dad will ping me next." Type chuckled knowing it will be the truth.

"Yes, Phi. You have my word." Type joined his hands and bowed in respect.

"If that is all, we'll be leaving. We have classes to attend," Type said.

"Yeah sure. Here are your results." Arm handed over Type's results.

"Take care of your health and eat well. Don't forget your promise." Arm warned in a serious yet playful tone.

"Err... Got it, Phi. Wadee krap." Tharn and Type paid their respects before walking out the door. Type was the first to exit and when Tharn was about to leave, Arm called out to him.


Tharn turned around and saw Arm approaching towards him.

"Take care of Type." Arm patted Tharn's shoulder. Tharn smiled and nodded.

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