Chapter 26

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Type finally jammed his key into the lock on his front door after several failed attempts. He flung open the door, careful not to let the doorknob hit the wall, and stomped inside. When he closed the door, he noticed one thing.


Type frowned and pulled his phone out of his back pocket to check the time. It was 6 pm. Tharn would usually be here by now, tucking him into his arms. He let out a sigh as he massaged his temples. The stress of the exams made his head hurt for the past few days and now it has returned back but this time, it was the worst. He felt like someone was driving a knife through his temples. He really wished Tharn was with him like the day before.

Type returned back to his dorm after being cooped up in the library preparing for the next day's exam. He heard the water tap running in the bathroom and knew that Tharn was back. So he dropped his bag near his study table before he went straight to the couch and pulled a pillow over his head to block out any light. He thought that maybe he could fall asleep faster than usual and get rid of the damn headache before it completely ruined his night.

The bathroom door opened and out walked Tharn, still in his uniform. Once he spotted Type lying on the couch, he got worried. "Hey, Type, What happened?"

Type groaned inwardly. "It's just a headache, Tharn. Let me sleep it off."

Tharn threw his towel onto the chair before walking towards Type. "Hey, Type, sit up."

Type sighed and scooted down the couch enough to leave a space for Tharn. "Don't make me move again."

The couch sank with Tharn's weight. "Lay on me. I'll rub your head."

Type kept the pillow around his head. "I'm fine."

"It'll help until you can fall asleep," Tharn said. "I promise." He tugged at the pillow. "Come on, Type."

With a sigh, Type pulled the pillow off and lay his head on Tharn's lap, already wincing at the surge of pain from the movement. Tharn ran his fingers through his hair a few times, and then pressed just behind Type's temple and rubbed a slow circle there.

Type could have wept with relief. The rest of his head still felt like someone was taking a jackhammer to it, but the small area under Type's fingers no longer hurt at all.

"Is that okay?" Tharn asked.

"Mm-hmm," was about all Type could manage.

Tharn moved up his hairline, keeping constant pressure up the entire way, and then slowly back down to Type's neck. He pressed his thumb into the muscle there and massaged it, and Type made a noise he wasn't very proud of.

The headache was still there, but it was gradually fading, driven away by the steady pressure from Tharn's fingers.

"Want me to keep going?" Tharn asked.

"Please," Type said, although he wasn't sure how he managed the word.

Tharn massaged a slow circle around Type's head, occasionally drifting down to rub his forehead or his neck. It was a relief, so far beyond a relief that Type couldn't really concept the words to describe it.

He closed his eyes and focused on nothing but the wonderful pressure from Tharn's fingers.

When he opened his eyes again, the sky shown through the window had turned darker. It told Type that he'd been asleep for some time; an hour at least if he had to guess. And his headache was blessedly gone.

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