Chapter 17

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Tharn woke up the next morning with the sun streaming from the window. He looked around and saw that he wasn't in his dorm but Tae's guest room. At first, he didn't remember why he was still fully dressed or why his eyes were heavy and puffy and most of all how he ended up in the guest room. Then the incident from the previous night came back to him making him lie back down and clutch his pendant. All he could think was, 'Why did you do this to me Type?'

He wasn't sure whether or not he wanted to get up, it was Saturday, so he didn't have to go to class; he could go back to sleep. He wasn't really that hungry too, so he felt it would be better to go back to sleep which might help ease his headache. He could get up and go back to his dorm, but at the same time, he didn't want to see Type for now.

He closed his eyes to fall asleep again when Lhong knocked on the door calling his name.

"Ai'Tharn! Wake up!" Tharn scrunched his face in irritation before burying his head under the pillow.

"Ai'Tharn!" Lhong now had opened the door and walked in.

"Get lost, Lhong. Let me sleep in." Tharn mumbled under the pillow.

"Wake up, sleepyhead. Don't tell me you forget our plans for today? We're going to your cabin for the weekend." Hearing this Tharn removed the pillow from his head and sat upright

"Shiaaaa!" He groaned when he felt the back of his head pounding with his sudden movement.

"Good. You're fully awake. I've brought you water and Advil to take. It's on the nightstand. Take it and you'll feel better in a few minutes. If you wanna take a shower and refresh, you know where the towels are. I'm gonna go and take a shower before Tae beats me to it." Lhong said walking towards the door.

"Too late!" Tae's voice came from the room opposite.

"Hey, Tae!" Lhong now ran out to catch his boyfriend.

Tharn just shook his head and pulled himself to sit at the edge of the bed. He took the tablet and swallowed it with the help of the water before laying down on the pillows.

When he felt relief from his headache, he got up and took his car keys. He went downstairs and saw Rose in the kitchen. "Hey! I'm heading out! Meet you guys at my dorm." Rose nodded before Tharn walked out through the back door and got into his car which was parked in the driveway.

Although he didn't want to go back just yet, he still had to get his things for the trip. And most of all, pick up Type since he had invited him along.

When he arrived at his dorm, he saw no changes in the room. His bed wasn't slept in obviously and neither was Type's. It's so unlike Type to make up his bed so fast. So that leaves only one conclusion, Type didn't return last night. The thought made Tharn feel hurt in his heart as he once again remembered the previous night's events.

"Hey Tharn, I can't wait to meet this Type of yours. Lhong said he's here tonight." Tim said. Tim was one of his high school classmates who were once close with the gang but had moved to the States for his higher studies. If the lights weren't so dim, his friends who have teased Tharn for blushing. Hearing someone say 'Type' and 'yours' in the same sentence made his heart skip a beat.

"Yeah. I'll be right back." Tharn said and excused himself. He walked back to the balcony where Type and he were seated but to his dismay, Type wasn't there. Tharn looked around the bar but he couldn't find Type. That's odd. He finally decided to ask Techno where Type had gone. But the answer he got, was like taking a devastating punch in the chest.

"Type oh? He already left. Something about getting lucky. When I asked him about it, he blew me off. Well what can I say more, that's Type." No slurred in his speech was Tharn understood everything.

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