He marries your sister after your break-up

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"Y/n!", your younger sister, Sofia screamed as she barged into your room without even knocking once. She threw off the sheets covering your body and pulled you out of the bed, making you groan in annoyance.

"Yah! Why are you destroying my sleep, you sleep eater!", you whined but she didn't pay any attention to you. " Go, get ready soon. Today mom and dad will be meeting my boyfriend and they'll be finalising the date of our marriage!", Sofia squealed happily.

"Why do I have to go? Let me sleep, I'll meet your husband on the wedding day. Good night.", you said as you tried to slip into the sheets but she stopped you, "No good night, missy, it's 1 pm. Good afternoon. Get up and get ready. Omg, I'm so excited for you all to meet my soon-to-be husband.", she squealed.

"Yeah, right princess. Give me a few minutes, I'll get ready.", you annoyingly huffed making Sofia giggle at you. And this is how, you found yourself in the gigantic dining room of your house. Not much later, your father and mother too stepped in the room.

Your mother had a displeased look on her face as if someone was forcing her to be present there. Your father, however, looked quite happy. After settling down on their respective seats, your father began, "Sofia, my dearest, I can't see your boyfriend anywhere in sight? Is he running late?"

Sofia trembled a little on her place as she said, "N-no. He's here. Just give m-me a minute."

The reason why Sofia was trembling was because your father was a punctual man. He hated it if someone wasn't punctual in their lifestyle. He was an epitome of workaholic, punctuality, coldness and hard-working.

"I'm sorry if I had to make you all wait so much. I deeply apologize for that.", a deep voice said as a man barged into the room with the speed of light as if he was running late and any further delay would damn him.

All of your heads jerked to look back at the man who entered the room so unprofessionally. Your mother's distasteful face crumpled down as she looked at the young handsome man.

He was in his mid-twenties. His big doll-like eyes were overshadowed by the bangs softly falling on his face. His rounded yet defined cheeks had a rost blush on them and his lips adorned a very beautiful box-like smile, showing off his pearls.

He ran a hand through his hair as his eyes travelled to your mom and dad who were now standing on their place. The young boy bowed at them respectfully and gave a loving glance to your sister, Sofia.

The same loving glance he used to once give you.

Kim Taehyung.

Looking around here and there, you smiled nervously and bowed politely at him, keeping in the tears which were surfacing your eyes. All he did was to flash you his infamous smirk.

"Taehyung-ah! Finally you came.", your sister sighed, wrapping her arms around his neck and pecking his cheeks slightly.

You looked away a little, trying your best not to pay attention to the couple in the room. "Ah, wait, let me introduce you. Mom and dad, this is Taehyung, my boyfriend and Taehyung, this is mom and dad, and that is my dearest sister y/n.", Sofia introduced you all.

Your father gave him a hard look as he said, "Strange. You're here to ask for my daughter's hand in marriage, yet none of your family members are here." You shut your eyes tightly, biting your lips as you knew this question would come up.

Taehyung looked down, biting his lips. "Yes, I did come here to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage, because I love her.", he said as he looked at you, however, you didn't see where he was looking at. All you could feel was sincerity in his voice which broke yur heart knowing that it's for your sister....... Not you.

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