When you're a one night stand for him

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"You son of a saucy pig shit! Who fucking calls at 2 am, Tae-sleep-eater?", you yelled into your phone sleepily as you received the call. It was approximately 2 am at night when a suddenly your oh so dear best friend Kim sleep-eater Taehyung decided to ring you up.

"Woah, excuse me miss. I know I called you at 2 am but if you wouldn't mind, kindly come and collect your man.", the unfamiliar voice at the other end said.

My man?

"Holy nuts! When did I start dating someone?", you questioned yourself.

"My man? Who the actual fuck wit are you?", I yelled. "Ugh, miss, mind your tone please. I'm Mark and I'm calling from Live Era bar. I'm a bartender here and this man Kim Taehyung, he has passed out. I found your number in recents saved as 'soulmate'.......... So, are you coming to pick him up?", the bartender said in one go, not wanting to hear you curse again.

Your heartbeat skipped a little at the word 'soul mate'. He was your best friend and being the cliche and over-excited person he was, he preferred to call you, his best friend, as soul mate because apparently, for him, nobody you but understood him the most.

"This mother twitting stick Taebitch! He'll drown in trouble and then will drag me into it as well as if my dear sleep is a joke to him.", you murmured to yourself while getting off your bed.

Your body felt like falling down on ground because you wanted to sleep but alas, a particular stupid had to get drunk at this hour.

Wearing your coat, grabbing your keys and mobile, you ran out of your apartment. No matter how much you loved your dear sleep, you couldn't let your best friend be passed out in a random bar.

Now as your sleepiness walked away from you,you absorbed the reality of the situation. Taehyung was drunk and passed out in the bar. "I wonder why he drank so much if he knows very well that he has a very poor level of alcohol tolerance.", you said to yourself.

Anxiety and worry for him seeped in you as you feared of what might have happened to your best friend. Taehyung and you have been best friends for almost 15 years now.

He was the only person who always with you, no matter what the situation was. Somewhere along the lines, your teenage heart fell for his ethereal charms and for almost 5 years, you developed this tiny crush on him. It wasn't hard to fall for a man with whom you've spend more than half of your life and his charms, loving, caring and affectionate nature towards you didn't help your crush on him to reduce.

"Be glad Taehyung that I love you more than my sleep.", you murmured to yourself, feeling a slight tinge in your heart as you knew he will never reciprocate the feeling. You reached the bar as the bartender had informed you.

"Taehyung!", you yelled while searching for him in the bar. Your eyes fell on a body figure, sleeping peacefully on a couch, passed out due to the effect of alcohol.

"Tae. Tae, wake up!", you tried slapping his cheeks and throwing some water on his face. "Gosh Taehyung, I'm not carrying your heavy body home, so co-operate with me a little and come."

His eyes opened a little, looking vaguely at you, while he threw his arms at you, making it difficult for you to keep your balance. "You came! You came back to me!", he suddenly yelled, while holding your right hand in his and moving around like playing ring-A-ring-A-roses.

"Tae, we're not elementary kids, stop it.", you tried saying but he was lost in his own drunken world. " And we all fall down.", he completed the rhyme and fell on his butt on the ground.

His lips formed a boxy smile while looking up at you as you were still standing. "Look, you didn't fall down, you lost the game, I won!", he cheered happily while clapping his hands continuously and doing a hoopla victory dance.

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