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Angst oneshot 1:

"Wait, we have a fifth concert too?", Jungkook asked, genuinely confused at RM's words. RM gave him an astonishing look, "Don't tell me you didn't know JK.", he sighs, disappointed in the maknae.

"How could you forget Jungkook? I'm really surprised.", Hoseok piped in while sucking on his first love, sprite, through a straw. Jimin rested his chin on Jungkook's shoulders while Taehyung had his arm slinging around Suga who looked annoyed by the extra heavy weight on his shoulder. Jin was busy in the shower still, admiring hid beautiful face while other members were already in the meeting Hall.

"I think he misread the letter.", Jimin tried to soothe the environment. "Doesn't matter. I hope you're ready with Day 1's choreo. We don't have time to rehearse again, but the set list is the same as Day 1.", Namjoon said.

Jungkook subtly nodded his head in agreement while looking down in disappointment. "I'm sorry.", he apologized and left the scene.

"Aah! How could I go forget that we have 5 days long concert and not 4. Maybe my mind is playing games with me.", he ruffled his hair slightly while groaning as he entered his hotel bedroom and plopped on the bed.

He wasn't only having a long tiring day, but his personal life and relations were straining these days too. He stared st his phone, the lock screen was a picture of you in a nude coloured gown and him in a black and white tuxedo on your engagement day, exchanging rings with each other.

He used his fingerprint to unlock his phone and the home screen marred his thoughts again. It was a picture of you smiling widely on your and his first date back in Busan, Korea. With clenched jaws, he clicked on the contact icon and typed "home <3". His fingers looked over the call icon, several thoughts occupying his mind as he clicked on it after much contemplation.

Full 7 rings occured without any answer. And that's when he groaned a little before throwing his phone away. "You're still mad, aren't you?", Jungkook muttered to himself before turning on his bed, facing the night stand. On the small night stand, there was his wallet which he picked up.

Opening it, through the front see-through case, he stared at your small picture, talking to it whenever he couldn't talk to you, "I said na, I'm sorry. Why don't you forgive me?", he was sad, extremely sad to be peculiar.

His fingers grazed over your picture before he said, "You're my home, my darling. When you're sad with me, what am I? A homeless, aimless, hopeless and lost fellow. Who do I return to if it's not you?", he spoke to your picture.

"Where do I go if not to you? You.... You're really my home, my love.", he spoke before falling asleep. It's been a few days since you and him had a strained relationship. He really upset you badly that day when he fought over a little thing immediately before you were leaving for your parents' home.

"I'm sorry. Don't ignore me like this. Your kookie baby is weak without you huhuhuhuhu~", he sobbed like a child while giving his infamous small peck-like kissies to your picture. Tomorrow he'll surely talk to you..... Tomorrow, he surely will.....

[Next Day]

"JK, you're on it, right?", RM worriedly asked. Because of his forgetfulness about a fifth concert, he was told to practice a little bit after dinner, to remember the set list and not mess up with the choreographies.

He nodded his head and lied, he didn't come to the stage to practice, rather went back to his hotel room just to dwell on his thoughts of you. "Boys, you're up in 30 seconds, quick, your positions, Jungkook, you move to centre, rest others, the left and right according to your positions!", Manager commanded.

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