Slum life

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The chilly weather of Seoul granted no mercy on it's people. Raging through the thick fury coats, the people walking by on the streets could feel the cold passing right through their bones.

You rubbed your palms together, trying to gain some heat from the friction, however the chittering of your teeth did not fade away, nor did the cold or it's effect on you.

You pulled your fury coat closer to your chest. How weird! This fury coat is supposed to protect you from the cold, to provide you warmth and comfort but still it was not enough to keep you warm.

On the other hand, your feet were almost frozen despite being coated in a thick layer of socks and then leather boots.

Seoul is so merciless!

Your eyes caught the sight of a tea stall on the street. "Waah!", you felt blessed as you immediately made your way towards it to grab a cup of tea and warm your insides.

"This is heaven.", you sipped on your tea while closing your eyes and praising the vendor owner. With the cup of tea in a disposable glass, you were about to walk away to your office which was nearby and you had come down to walk a little, but it was a bad idea considering the cold.

Guess what? It wasn't that bad of a idea.

Your warm brown eyes fell on a thin man. He looked quite intriguing to you. You both were something what anyone would call a pure contrast.

From head to toe, you both were completely different.

Your feet in high quality and expensive imported boots while his legs were bare. Absolutely nothing on his feet. Not even a slipper. His legs were almost numb, blue with the snowy cold ground beneath.

You wore tight warm jeans while he had a pair of trousers.

Trousers? You would call it a rag. A rag you might use to wipe the windows of your floor. That was exactly what his trousers looked like. Some worn out old and torn cloth, faded in colour and good for no use except to wipe the floors and windows.

Your mom always did that. Get your old pants and trousers as clothes to wipe the dusty floorings.

He was dressed in that. Those old rags. His upper body barely had any clothing. It was just a sheer cloth, a shirt with 3 broken buttons hanging off from the edges. It looked as if he had no one to stitch those broken buttons.

While you wore a cute warm tee with that wooly coat over it, warming your upper body, his shirt had holes in it. Holes that were patched up with small clothes taken from other garment probably. The white shirt had too many black patches.

The white shirt was dusty. Grey and blackish dust was gusting on it. Streaks of dust didn't seem to bother the man. More like it was a normal thing for him.

His hair was messy and uncombed. Like a nest of a bird, it flung all over his head and fell down roughly near his ears. It was scratchy, undone, extremely dirty and had too many knots. You wondered how long it would take to solve those knots in his hair? Did he not use a shampoo to keep his hair clean? How can he stay like this and still have that smile on his lips......?

Exactly that was the contrast!

Your face always had a frown. A frown because of the cold weather despite being dressed so warmly.

On the other hand, this man with minimal clothing, poverty reflecting from his entire body, not even a single sign of richness on him, the poor man still smiled.

That intrigued you. HOW?

However, he was not alone. He had a little dog in his arms. A fury dog. The man had two packets of sausages in his hands, something he probably bought from the cheap convenience store near by.

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