Y/N - The luckiest imaginary human on earth

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Here are some stereotypical fanfictions you all must have read atleast once in this community. Honestly, I'm so trusfrated right now, that I just want to mock it.


1) Mafia

- He is a Mafia leader, kills several people on a daily basis, is super rich— he deals in billions. Wow! Like he's equivalent to Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos in terms of money. Wow! This rich and he has interest in...... Y/N?

- He can kill anyone he wants yet he loves y/n. There is SoMeThInG special in y/n and that's why he can cross any limits for her.

- His rival gangs will always be after this supremely beautiful human, y/n and he is mostly concerned about her and wants to protect her at all costs.

- He is cold hearted towards others but so soft for y/n. OOOOOOOHHHHH! TrUe LoVe, I see.

2) Playboy

- He is the school's fuckboy, has fvcked almost every living organism in his school, he is completely stone-hearted because he had to go through some shuts in his past— something wrong with his parents which turned him like this — cold human who fvcks every girl.

- Then comes this nerdy girl/ super gorgeous girl *DRUMROLLS* y/n in his life. At first, she is the ONLY girl who resists him and that makes him interested in y/n.

- The boy who had been a fuckboy for his entire teenage, has no control over his hormones is loyal and loving to this one girl who changed his life completely. OoOoOoOoOoOoOo.... TrUe LoVe of the fuckboy.

- But then will come up one of his random hook ups/ ex girlfriend who will try to steal back him from y/n but in the end, LoBe wInS.


- He is the typical bully of his school, always hurts the nerdy students. His dad is RiCh, RiCh, RiCh and can get his son out of any trouble he causes in his school.

Dude, I'm nerdy as fvck but I never got bullied ever in my entire life and there aren't any millionaires studying in my school. Nobody bullies anyone.

- He bullies y/n — the nerdy girl, slams her on the locker (I've never had a locker in my school smh, Indian schools barely have that thingy) , makes her do his home work, makes fun of her, humiliates her and embarasses her. WHY? OH, BECAUSE HE LOVES HER AND IS SCARED TO CONFESS.

- One day, automatically, as if the heavenly forces of the universe act upon and he and y/n are paired together for a project. OoOoOoOoOoOoOo. Here starts the cheesy hanky-panky stuff.

- He goes over to her house, does the project, falls in love and somewhere just when they're being CoUpLe gOaLs, his ex comes back.

- Here goes another drama of his ex who's always a badass.

Since I'm tired and my brain is yeeted to another world, I'm not describing the drama, but I'll go on ranting since I'm tRuSfRaTeD.


- He is the CEO of Jeon's, Kim's, Jung's, Park's, Min's or whatever industries which is basically names after his surname. Wow! I smell a RiCh RicH human here hmmmm.....

- He is so rich that he deals in billions. Again, just like our real world Bezos or Gates. Smh, I've read so many CEO ffs that now it seems like billions are too common.

- He is generally cold, like ice. His dad and y/n's dad arranged their marriage forcefully because that would be profitable to their companies or somehow, their marriage will "save" Their companies. I still don't understand how a marriage "saves" Almost bankrupt companies?

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