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Oneshot 1 : When you bump into him in a BTS concert and lose your phone to him and he later finds your smut  fanfiction account // you as a fanfiction writer

Y/n couldn't contain her excitement as she bounced around her room, trying to decide on the perfect outfit for the BTS concert. Her friends, Lily and Alex, were equally thrilled.

Lily grinned, "Y/n, you look like you're about to explode from excitement!"

Y/n squealed, "I can't help it! It's the BTS concert! I've been waiting for this forever!"

Alex chimed in, "Are you sure your heart can handle this much excitement?"

Y/n laughed, "I'll risk it for BTS! Now, help me choose an outfit. I need to look presentable in case Jungkook notices me in the crowd!"

Lily teased, "Girl, you're dreaming if you think Jungkook will spot you among thousands of fans."

Y/n pouted, "A fangirl can dream, can't she? Now, should I go for the classic fan look or try something unique?"

Alex suggested, "Why not both? Wear the fan shirt and a cape that says 'BTS's Future Wife.'"

Y/n giggled, "That's perfect! And maybe I should bring a banner that says 'Yoongi, marry me!' What do you think?"

Lily laughed, "Absolutely! You're going all out, Y/n. This is your moment!"

The trio burst into laughter, their excitement reaching new heights as they prepared for the concert of a lifetime.

As the trio made their way to the BTS concert venue, the excitement reached fever pitch. Y/n, Lily, and Alex were practically buzzing with craze and anticipation.

Lily exclaimed, "I can't believe we're actually going to see BTS live! This is like a dream!"

Y/n, bouncing with every step, replied, "It's not a dream, it's a fangirl fantasy coming true!"

Y/n shouted over the noise, "This is insane! I feel like I'm in a sea of ARMYs, and I love it!"

Lily added, "And we're just tiny specks in this BTS universe. I hope they notice our speck!"

The concert began, and as the music filled the air, Y/n, Lily, and Alex surrendered to the madness, dancing, singing, and creating memories that would forever be etched in their fangirl hearts.

As the final notes of the concert resonated through the stadium, the BTS members took the stage for their closing speech.

Jin, addressing the crowd, said, "ARMY, you've been amazing tonight! We love you all!"

Y/n, caught up in the emotion, shouted, "We love you too, Jin!"

Lily whispered to Y/n, "Quick, let's make a run for the washroom before the crowd gets too crazy and the crowd starts dispersing!"

However, their grand escape plan took an unexpected turn when they accidentally stumbled upon a door marked "Authorized Personnel Only."

Alex, looking mischievous, suggested, "What if we find the secret passage to Jimin's dressing room?"

Y/n laughed, "As if that's even possible!"

But their quest for adventure took an unexpected twist as they navigated the backstage area. The trio, focused on finding the restroom, managed to take a wrong turn and comically tumbled down a backstage ramp.

As they dusted themselves off, Lily chuckled, "Well, that wasn't exactly the grand exit we planned!"

Alex added, "On the bright side, we've got backstage access now, right?"

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