He insults you as you're a housewife

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As a housewife, your days were often a whirlwind of cleaning and organizing, with Taehyung, your husband, occasionally adding to the chaos.

One morning, you descended the grand marble staircase of your spacious home, only to be greeted by a sight that made you gasp in disbelief.

The living room was a disaster zone, as if a tornado had swept through it. Dirty clothes lay strewn about, papers and books were scattered everywhere, and the remnants of Taehyung's late-night lyric writing session were evident in the form of crumpled sheets of paper and spilled ink.

"Holy moly!" you exclaimed, hands flying to cover your mouth in shock. You mentally calculated the hours it would take to restore order to the room, knowing it would be a daunting task.

Taking a deep breath, you began to tackle the mess. As you picked up the discarded clothes and tossed them into the laundry bag, you couldn't help but mutter under your breath. "Oh mother twitting holy cuss!" you cursed, frustration evident in your voice.

"He must have been working on the lyrics," you reasoned aloud, trying to make sense of the chaos. Despite your annoyance, you couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Taehyung.

Moving into the kitchen, the scene was no better. A burnt pot sat abandoned in the sink, oil stains marred the countertops, and cheese and breadcrumbs littered the surfaces.

"Aish! Taehyung can't even make a sandwich without burning down the whole kitchen," you grumbled to yourself, annoyed at the state of your once pristine kitchen.

And so, your day began, a never-ending cycle of cleaning up after Taehyung's messes. But amidst the frustration, there was a sense of love and camaraderie, knowing that no matter how messy things got, you and Taehyung would always be there for each other.

After a grueling day of cleaning, you finally settled down for some rest, only to realize that evening had already descended upon your home.

The door crashed open, announcing the arrival of a furious and irritable Taehyung. You couldn't fathom the cause of his foul mood, but you dismissed it, approaching him with an attempt at a comforting hug.

"Tae! How was your day at work?" you inquired, assisting him with his coat.

"Fine," he grunted, barely acknowledging your presence. "Okay, why don't you go and take a bath. I've prepared your favorite bibimbap today. We can eat togeth--" Before you could finish your sentence, he rudely interrupted.

"Y/n, can you stop nagging at me for a minute? Will you let me breathe? Stop being such a nosey wife for a minute," he snapped, his words cutting through you like a knife.

You tried to brush off his harsh remarks, but they lingered, weighing you down with a sense of inadequacy. "Okay," you responded tersely, not wanting to provoke him further. You were well aware of his dedication to his music career and tried your utmost to be understanding of his pressures, striving to fulfill your role as a supportive and responsible wife.

With a heavy heart, you tidied up after him, placing his shoes and tie back in their respective places. After reheating the food and setting the table, you ventured into your shared room. "Tae, dinner is ready. Come, let's have it together.”

You attempted to engage him in conversation, but he remained indifferent to your efforts. Despite your attempts to rekindle the love that once existed between you, your efforts proved futile in resurrecting the affectionate Taehyung you once knew.

He glanced at you briefly before turning away, dismissing your presence. "Tae... Baby, is something wrong? Do you want me to cook something else for you?" you asked softly, running your fingers through his hair, a gesture he used to adore.

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