He mistreats you because you're a housewife

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Looking from behind the curtains, you saw your husband, Taehyung sitting in the living room with a hearty laugh on his face as he talked about something very interesting and funny with his colleagues.

Slowly closing the curtains, you went back in your room, not wanting to come out in front of his colleagues, just like he has always instructed you. You waited for almost an hour until his colleagues went away and he finally got some time to give you.

As he entered into your room, his eyes were trained intently on his mobile screen. He was busy randomly scrolling through his messages while replying to a few of them.

You sat there patiently, waiting for him to finish his so-called work while all he did was to ignore your existence as if you were some irrelevant dust on his shoes which he was least bothered about.

"Uhm..... Taehyung-ah?", you croaked out after sitting silently for almost half an hour. He didn't bother to even spare a glance at you or say anything. You took it as he was in a good mood and hence, he didn't lash out at you. Considering yourself lucky that he didn't burst out and thinking that he was listening to you, with slight hope you said, "M-my mom called me today. She wants to s-see me. Can you please drop me off at her place tomorrow?"

Finally, he stopped scrolling on the phone screen and looked up at you, "No.", he simply replied before going back on scrolling messages on his phone.

You still tried. "P-please. I just sit at home all day, most of the chores are finished by 11 am and I'm missing mom too. Can you please just let me see her tomorrow? I promise when you pick me up in the evening, I'll come back home and do all the remaining chores. Just for one day take me to her?"

"The fact that you sit at home the whole day is not my fault not any of my concern. You should've studied and got yourself a job if you didn't want to be a useless woman who sits at home everyday, eats off from her husband's income.", he mindlessly said, unaware of how many insults he was throwing at you every other minute.

'How do I tell you that I wasn't allowed to study after my matriculation? How do I tell you that my parents thought it was useless for a woman to study?', you thought. Even though in today's day when women and men are treated equally in all the so here's of life, your parents were quite conservative. Even though they shifted to the city way long ago, their rural mentality never left them.

For them, getting you married was much more of a priority than to let you continue your studies. According to them, a woman belonged behind four walls, in the kitchen. They weren't against any other educated women but they didn't want you to study as they had already found a suitable groom for you when you turned 18 and got you married instantly as the groom - Taehyung was from a rich and nice family. It was a golden opportunity for them to get you married and they did so, by sacrificing your dreams to continue your studies.

Gulping down the ball of insult thrown towards you, you still tried once more, "But I do everything that a housewife does.", your lashes were lowered as you spoke these words but the very next second, you heard a humorous chuckle leave his lips.

"Exactly what is the rocket science type of work you do by being a housewife? Do you go on borders to fight like nation's army or are you busy discovering and inventing something new like scientists? Or are you doing a corporate job or any normal paying job to survive? All you do the whole day is to sit at home and snore.", he again mindlessly taunted.

You were so used to his taunts and insults that you had belittled yourself to the extent where you considered yourself as completely useless and a waste of space, oxygen, food and a burden only.

"But I miss my mama too.... I badly want to see her..... ", you lowly let out but he turned a deaf ear to your request. "See y/n, don't rise my anger purposely. You don't have any task to do so you can chit-chat like this and try to irk me the whole day, but please be considerate of me as well. I've to go to office in the morning, don't give me a headache at night.", he said while massaging his head.

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