When the mute girl gets married to her toxic ex

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The door of the basement creaked open, a slight ray of light entered the room. Two tall and buffed figure entered the room, one with a custom gucci suit on and the other one with a leather jacket and guns latched on his waist belt as if he was here to kill a person.


Light..... Light.... This is finally light! From somewhere light is coming in this room! Oh Lord, there won't be any darkness anymore. My body is currently hanged to a cross, yes, just like the Jesus' cross. Hands tied with ropes on either sides with legs tied at the bottom, restricting any kind of movements any part of my body can make. Father definitely made sure to tie me up properly.

The footsteps started coming towards you. The fear and pain in my chest began thudding. Your spine was shivering when I acknowledged the familiar footsteps. Oh no! T-these f-footsteps.... A-appa! No! Please! No! Not again!

I tried writhing in the grip of the ropes. Somehow wanting the mother earth to bury me alive before the monster can reach me. My hands and waist squirmed fruitlessly. My eyes rose up, already glistening with fresh tears. Please no! I-I can't handle a-anymore beatings.... P-please, it hurts. E-everywhere it hurts. The b-big iron rods on my skin h-hurts. My entire skin is b-blue now. P-please. I don't want a b-beating from the iron rods a-anymore. Please a-appa! Your m-men beat me till d-death, p-please!

However, this time, father's goons didn't come with any iron rods. Nor did they have the electric shock giving machines with which they always torture me. D-does this m-mean appa isn't here to beat me anymore? "Untie her.", father simply said and his men obeyed. They cut off the ropes from my wrists and legs. The sudden movement made me lose my balance and I fell down, my body having no control over my limbs. The two men lifted me up while giving me gross looks. "She looks like a trash can! And her hair! It looks like some nest!", father disgustingly said.

"Go, fix her up. Make sure not even a single bruise is visible on her body. Cover it all up with the help of stylists and get her ready for the evening.", he commanded coldly while his men dragged me out of the room. Light..... Finally.... Light...

Author's POV

Your eyes squinted, not being used to the outside darkness. Your father had cruelly kept you locked up for almost 2 months in a four walled basement with not even a single window or light bulb. It was completely dark in there. No light, no fan, no heater, nothing. Just you, your hands and legs tied to iron rods, restricting your movements and some sheer dusty rags on your body which were already torn and having stitching patches at places. The rags that you've been wearing for 2 months straight.

This was for the first time in 2 months that you were seeing the sun. It felt almost surreal to you. Finally.... Finally you were able to see things of colour and not just black darkness everywhere. Oh how much you craved to see the shining sun, the coloured furnitures, the brown sofas, black TV, and even.... Even the silver kettle! It all looked so better than just black basement.

The two men dragged you to your room and threw your body in a bath tub. Leaving you behind, two women, dressed gorgeously, came inside the washroom. You felt your condition to be pity. While they were dressed in gucci clothes, you barely had some rough rags. They wore big earrings, your ears were had dried blood after the continuous beatings you had, making your skin cut and blood dry at the spot since there was no one to even clean those dried bloods, let alone treat the wounds. While the two women had their hair done in a beautiful bun, with extensions, yours looked like a nest - unwashed, uncombed and completely destroyed by the number of times your father's men have grabbed them to hurt you.

"This is what you get for disobeying father, my dear sister.", one of them spoke venomously. Yes, they are your sisters. These two well-dressed women are your half-sisters. You shook your head, trying to deny their words. "Father has chosen a man for you. I've heard he's a CEO from some big industrialist company. He has accepted to fund father's political party for elections if he gets to marry you.", your other sister said. "Funny! Hah! This dumb mute piece of a trash can't even speak and that hot as hell CEO wishes to marry this girl. Poor him! He doesn't know what a dumb show is going to come for him.", your sister laughed while giving a high-five to your other sister.

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