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[//None of the following angst oneshots are related to each other. They're meant to be read as stand alone.//]

Oneshot 1: Handicapped Boy

"Jungkookie~", your voice slowly chirped as you entered the dark and gloomy house, turning on all the lights and opening the curtains. "Are you upstairs in the library?", you questioned with a big smile on your face as you entered the library on the second floor of his house. As expected, there he was, on a wheelchair, his eyes focused on the book laying in his lap.

'Romeo Juliet' , you easily figured seeing the tipped edges of the book. This happens to be his favorite book. Who would've thought that the college jock who was just average in studies would become such a great fan of classic literature. Shakespeare happened to be the one he almost worshipped. Man, he was whipped over Shakespeare's works that he had almost re-read all of his dramas over a hundred times already!

"Hey baby!", you happily waddled to him. His attention turned towards you, however, like usual, he didn't keep the book aside to greet you. Maybe he has got his man period. Alright.

"How are you doing?", you happily asked, sitting on the carpet next to his wheelchair and placing your hand on his lap. "Exactly how a handicapped man should be?", he bitterly asked. "Just the usual wheelchair and an escape from the loneliness is this library.", he chuckled sadly.

"Awh, I'm sorry. You must've been bored sitting at home all day. But don't worry! Now I'm here! I'll take you to the park to walk! You'll even get refreshed.", you said, taking control of his wheelchair when he shook you away. "I can do it on my own! You don't need to help me.", he said sharply before dragging himself out of the room with much difficulty.

You sighed a little. Tears welled up in your eyes and soon, the little happiness you tried to cover your face with, vanished away. Being the college jock he was, he loved going out, partying and having fun. One such night, he was again on his bike, going back home from a party he just attended. That night he didn't got himself wasted.

He just had a drink or two, maybe a bottle or two but his alcohol tolerance level was high so he decided on driving. The fatal mistake he did. Drink and drive. Perhaps, the streets at night in Seoul aren't that helpful. Poor him, lost his balance on the steering while trying to race with his friend and got hit by a truck.

That dark night, he groaned and cried, cried for help and mercy. He was stuck under the bike, completely injured and fatally dangered. His friend was out of sight, thinking he won the race and here he laid, groaning on the road while the truck driver ran away, afraid of getting charges pressed on him as he too, was drunk. Some how, he was taken to hospital. However, it was terrible. His leg was gone completely. They just laid there in his body, of no use now. You still remember his face, the moment he woke up in the hospital room, he drowned in your honey orbs while you were checking his pulse rate.

You worked as a doctor in the hospital and you still remember his broken eyes, the regret flooding in when he tried to move his legs but they were out of control. He tried to focus and begged his brain to command his legs to move, but it seemed completely involuntary just like a piece of wood cut off from a tree. You remembered his sobs, his late night cries when you stayed with him, listened to him and took care for him.

An year later, now, here you are, completely head over heels in love with the boy whom you treated. Love doesn't sees anyone's physical disabilities. It just happened. You knew it was hard for him but in this one year, he had tried himself to get used to his new found self as much as he could. But still, sometimes the dark past, the memories, the inabilities come back and haunt him.

You decided to follow him quietly only to see his control over the wheelchair losing and his wheelchair misleading towards the stairs. A fearful gasp left his lips. He shut his eyes tightly, ready to face the worst, however, nothing as such happened. He opened his eyes to look at you holding his chair from back and other hand at his shoulder gripping tightly to prevent him from falling off of the wheelchair.

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