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Oneshot 1 :


"Mrs. Kim, please lay down, so that we can begin the ultrasound.", your gynaecologist said as soon as you entered the chamber, ready for the second month ultrasound of your baby.

You did as the doctor asked you to do and laid down with ur shirt slightly lifted up, waiting for the cold gel to come in contact with your stomach. "I don't see Mr. Kim today? He came last time when you discovered about your pregnancy. Is everything alright?", the doctor asked.

"Yes, everything is fine. In fact, a child is what he had wanted for so long and I'm glad we're living our dream. He is just a little bit busy, that's why he couldn't come.", you answered happily.

"Ah, I see.", she said and applied the cold gel on your stomach which was still flat as it was only the second month of gestation.

Your eyes were glued to the screen as you were anticipating a small bean-like creature in your womb. "How is the baby, doctor? How does it look like, now?", you asked with your eyes gleaming with a thousand hopes.

The doctor looked at you with a little hesitation before moving the ultrasound transducer around your stomach. "Doctor, is everything right?", you asked, upon receiving no response from the doctor.

"Mrs. Kim, please give me a minute, I need to run some immediate tests.", she said while you looked at her with confused eyes.

"Doctor, what's wrong?", you asked, uncertain and afraid of her answer. She calmed you down and asked you to let the nurses perform the tests on you.

You waited for almost an hour or so while the medical tests were run by the doctor and she received the reports. You were silently sitting in the waiting hall, when the flashback of Taehyung's reaction came in your mind when you came to know about your pregnancy.

[Flashback; 1 month ago]

"Y/n? Are you alright?", your husband's voice boomed in your ears as soon as you entered the washroom, throwing your guts out, the first thing in the morning.

"Babe? What happened?", he came inside and patted your back, while your insides clenched as you threw up.

"I don't know what happened. I've been feeling dizzy for the past couple of days and throwing up almost everyday. I think I'm suffering from food poisoning.", you said as you washed your stinky mouth after puking.

His eyes gleamed with happiness and hope as you told him about your body symptoms. "But babe, what if it isn't a food poisoning? What if......", he trailed off and you looked at him with a crooked brow.

"What if what?", you asked.

"What if..... ", he said as he let his hands wrap around your stomach, dropping his head to the crook of your neck, placing soft kisses on your neck. "What if we are welcoming a little version of us in our life?", he completed.

You gasped softly at his words and covered your mouth with your hands. "What? How is that possible?", you asked.

He gave you an annoyed look and said, "Why isn't it possible? We've been doing it without protection for a good time now and you know very well how much I want babies, jagi.", he cooed with a soft voice.

You sighed and doubted the possibility of a pregnancy yet you agreed, "Fine. We'll see a gynaecologist today itself."

You didn't have high hopes when you went to the hospital. However, seeing how Taehyung was enthusiastic, you didn't want to spoil the mood. He was ready and had always craved for kids. In fact, kids were the only thing he talked about with you after your marriage.

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