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[//None of the oneshots are linked. They're stand alone to read.//]

Oneshot 1: The Lucifer

"Damn. It's massive."

Your eyes popped out of your sockets as you stared at the big Hall in which you were standing. The walls of the hall were a shade of deep red as you stood there along with twenty other people around you.

This was hell. The Royal court of Hell's ruler - The Lucifer. Just then, the sounds of trumpet brought you all out of your trance as the twenty people lined up together, bowing down as a troop of demons entered inside the royal court.

The demons bowed down, announcing the arrival of Hell's ruler- The Lucifer, Kim Taehyung. Your eyes slickly scanned the new powerful demon who entered the room and just at his sight, you were drooling.

Red eyes, silver hair, a grey shirt, permed hair, jawline sharper than knife and his thick thighs which were trapped in the tight fabric of his jeans, giving you a nice view of his defined thighs.

His lips were a deep shade of red, as if blood was oozing out of it, making your lusty self unable to control it's wild desires to pounce on him and kiss the hell out of his lips.

However, you controlled your instincts. Settling down on his red throne which was adorned with various rarest of gemsgems.

"You all know the reason why you all have been summoned to hell after completing the stages of your afterlife?", the devilishly appealing Lucifer said. The twenty of us bowed down and nodded our heads.

We are sinners.

The ones who committed sins in our human lives, now we have to pay it back by serving in hell. One may have a wrong impression about hell - how it is painful and all, but that's not the case. Heaven and hell are almost same. Just that angels in heaven reap the fruits of their good deeds while demons in hell work for hell in order to wash our sins away and free our souls from the realams of - earth, hell and heaven.

The Lucifer looked at all of us intently, his eyes scanning us and through telepathy, he was reading the minds of all the sinners, evaluating their sins and giving them their work or punishment according to the severity of their sins.

However, after assigning everyone their tasks the other souls left for their work - some working as guiding spirits, some wandering as lonely souls on earth but you were still left. Your brows crooked up as you looked at the Lucifer who dismissed the Royal meeting abruptly.

You were shocked by his actions yet a smirk took over your face as you realised that it was just the two of you- all alone.

"Welcome back to your home, queen, your Hell awaited for you.", the Lucifer said, making a big smile etch on your lips.

"Oh how long I've waited for this moment to finally come.", you said as you dashed towards the king and embraced him in your arms.

This wasn't the first time you were in hell. When you first came to hell, you were assigned the task to serve the Lucifer as his maid. However, as time passed by, the two sinners -The Lucifer and the maid fell in love with each other.

But there was no place of love in hell.

Subsequently, the land of hell itself announced a severe punishment to the lovers as falling in love itself was a sin for hell.

You were punished for loving each other.

The land of hell sentenced you another life. A life in which you were reincarnated as a human and lived among the filthy humans. This was your punishment - separation from your love and then leaving the luxuries of hell and living the life of a mere filthy human.

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