Your robot husband

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"Great work y/n. The hardwork, dedication and soul you've put in this project for the past 7 years and your genius brain made this impossible project possible. This project seemed almost impossible for the next 50 years.", Jungkook chuckled, "But because of you it became possible within just 7 years. Wow. You sure have a very extra ordinary brain.", he completed.

You smiled a little at his complement. "Thank you Kookie, but oh no! I definitely am not entitled to that much of praise. This project became successful because of our hardwork and dedication. The success goes to each one of us, specially Mr. Kim because it's under his guidance that we did this project.", you stated.

Wearing the same smile on your face, reciprocating the vibe of the party that was being hosted in the name of success of your recent project. It all seemed unreal to you. You still couldn't wrap your head around the fact that you and your team finally did this project.

The project of making an AI, a simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. What made this AI project more significant was that it was developed within a human structure.

Yes, you read it right. You and your team of leading scientists in the world had been working for integrating an AI system in a human structure and programme it in a way that these human AI structures could be used as ROBOTS.

These robots that you created could do all the physical tasks as a person can do, cannot yet think fully like a human, but had enough jurisdiction to function like a human being. These robots can be used for labour. Their physical strength is highly advanced, making it easier for humans to rule over them.

Any kind of work which requires excessive labour, like in agriculture, can be overcome by these robots. Indeed, it was a new era of robots and humans living and coordinating together coming up.

"Mr. Kim wants to see you and talk about the AI structures. We're soon handing over some sample robots to government for their approval, Mr. Kim wants to talk to you in that regard.", Mr. Jeon informed you and you nodded your head, making your way through the crowded party hall to meet Mr. Kim Taehyung.

Your eyes scanned the party hall until you spotted a familiar tall, muscular and built figure of Mr. Kim in distance. "There he is.", you dreamily said. Mr. Kim Taehyung, the head of your team, the leading scientist from Korea under whom you worked for this project.

He was exceptionally genius. His ideas, way of working and punctuality was what you adored. He was obviously like a dream guy of many women and same was for you too. You admitted that you developed a very small, ok fine, a very big fat ass crush on your senior scientist, Kim Taehyung.

"Sir, you called me?", you asked as you approached him. He moved around and looked at you with a poker face. " Oh yes, Ms. y/n. I was searching for you. I'm sorry I had to call you in middle of a party that too so unprofessionally.", he said, either no hint of apologetic look on his face, only a straight poker face.

"But we've to send a few examples back to the government by tomorrow. We need to export them tonight only. I hope you won't mind coming and checking the samples once more in the laboratory and helping me send them.", he said, again with a straight face. This was one thing about him. Even though the robots are perfectly made, he still wants to cross-check.

"Uh.... Yeah, sure sir.", you hesitatingly answered. " See, you're one of the most sincere junior scientist of your batch with extreme diligence and hardwork. I know you won't make any errors, that's why I want you to come.", he praised you, but again with a poker straight face.

"Was he making fun of you by a straight face? Or he's generally this cold and unexpressive?", you wondered but never thought of saying it out loud. You didn't want to upset him. " Let's go.", he said as he pulled out his car keya and excused himself and you from the party to go to your laboratory.

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