Your cold boss accidentally becomes your sugar daddy

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Your heels clicked against the marble floor of the Kim mansion as you knocked on the door, only to be greeted by a half-asleep man, rubbing his eyes.

"Who are you?", he asked, looking at you with an annoyed expression for disturbing his sleep, that too at..... 11 am in the morning.

"Good morning, sir. I'm y/n y/l/n. Your mother, Mrs. Kim appointed me as your new assistant/ house.", you introduced yourself making the workaholic man frown.

"She hired me a fucking babysitter!", he exclaimed softly, muttering the words under his breath which didn't go unnoticed by your ears.

You stepped forward and put your hands on the door, "I am not a babysitter for your information. I'm hre to make your life easier and smoother because apparently you can't manage it alone.", you informed him politely.

He had been living alone in that giant mansion as his parents moved back to Daegu some time back.

Being the messy, workaholic man the young CEO was, he was too lazy to look after himself and his mansion. Thus, his mother had been pestering him and had already sent three ladies as his house assistant which annoyed him a lot.

He had already got rid of the previous three and now, he was about to get rid of you too. He didn't like it when his mother babied him and wanted someone to look after his house and his schedule.

"But I don't need any assistant. You're fired.", he blatantly said, making your eyes widen in shock.

"That's not upto you. I've been hired by Mrs. Kim only, to be your house assistant, not by the CEO of Kim Corporations. Firing me isn't in your hands. Don't worry, Mrs. Kim has already acquinted me with any notorious trick you might pull up.", you snickered.

"Yeah Mom?", Taehyung said in the phone with an evil smirk, already trying to get rid of you. "Who is this little girl you've sent? I told you I don't need a damn babysitter!", he argued.

You gasped in shock as you said, "EXCUSE ME! I may be short but I'm no kid and I'm twenty years old and for nth time, I'm your assistant, not babysitter.", you muttered under your breath.

You knew that he won't get a positive response from his mom in removing you because his mom was really concerned about him when she hired you.

The smirk from his face dropped as he looked at you again, "I don't need an assistant, eomma. For God's sake I only messed up the house because I was drunk and parties with the boys. I do take care of myself and the house-", he was cut off in between by his mother shouting and you looked at him with a wide grin.

"Let me guess, she won't let you fire me?" You smirk and he slips his phone into his back pocket.

"Don't bother me and we'll be good.", he said, opening the gate wider, letting you inside the mansion and starting your first day at job finally. Your eyes widened as you took in the scenario of the house.

The whole house was a mess and that was what he said "Looking after the house well." One thing you knew for sure was that your boss maybe a workaholic, but he's damn lazy when it comes to his house.

"I'll bother you if my job requires it.", you snickered at the rude boss of yours before you got to your job.

Taehyung scoffed, rolling his eyes and reaching past you to grab his laptop, "I bet you'll bother me for more than just that. Stay out of my way and it'll be good for you.", he said and turned away and went upstairs.

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