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Oneshot 1 : When your cold introverted CEO husband comes back from abroad when he gets to know that you caught a cold // him as your shy arranged husband

In the heart of Seoul, lived Y/n, a dedicated professor at Seoul National University. Her life took an unexpected turn when she found herself in an arranged marriage with Taehyung, the elusive CEO of Sinous Company. It wasn't much of a surprise given how Y/n's love life had been as dry as a desert. Her excessive involvement in her college as a professor ended up having her being alone at the age of 30.

Fed up by her antics and resistence to get married, Y/n's parents arranged her marriage with their best friend's son, Kim Taehyung. While she was not really opposed to the marriage, she happily accepted it given that she herself knew that at the age of 30, she won't really be getting a good bachelor for her to date for a few years and marry.

And what if the boy turned out to be a douchebag?, she had thought. If, God forbid, after a few years of dating, her imaginary boyfriend broke up, then what?

Instead of giving her life a chance which she knew would be of no use, she happily gave her consent to the arrange marriage. However, what she had thought about marriage hardly materialized into reality for her.

While their union promised comfort and stability, the chasm between their personalities seemed insurmountable.

Y/n, with her vibrant spirit and warm smile, tried tirelessly to bridge the gap that Taehyung's introverted nature had cast between them. Their home, lacked the warmth that typically defined a husband-wife relationship. Taehyung, buried in the intricacies of his business empire, found solace in silence, leaving Y/n to navigate the waters of their arranged marriage.

One evening, about a few weeks after their marriage, decided to embark on a mission to at least get to know Taehyung and break the cold persona around him. With a determined glint in her eyes, she approached him in the living room.

Y/n, armed with questions about his day and interests, was met with a series of awkward and monosyllabic responses.

"Hey Taehyung.... You're home early today.", she acknowledged.

He scratched the back of his neck and fumbled for a response, "Uh .... yeah.

"How was your day at work?" Y/n inquired, hoping to glean some insight into Taehyung's world.

Taehyung, fumbling for words, replied, "Work was... work."

Undeterred by the lack of elaboration, Y/n pressed on. "Do you have any hobbies, Taehyung? Maybe something you enjoy doing in your free time?"

A pause lingered in the air before Taehyung muttered, "Free time? I'm not sure I understand that concept."

Is he for real? Y/n wondered that no joke why the man had been so introverted all the time.

Y/n, determined to infuse humor into the situation, couldn't help but laugh. "Well, we'll have to work on introducing you to this elusive 'free time' concept, won't we?"

Their attempts at conversation became a delightful dance of awkward silences and attempts at humor. Y/n, with her infectious laughter, tried to coax Taehyung out of his shell. She suggested activities, from movie nights to cooking together, each met with Taehyung's earnest yet stumbling attempts to engage.

It's not like he didn't want to spend time with her, it's just that he was too shy and introverted.

One evening, as they sat on the balcony, the city lights shimmering below, Y/n tried once again. "Taehyung, tell me something about yourself that I don't know. Something interesting."

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