His Mistress

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"Her nose, hair, hips heels.", Taehyung said while gulping down his second shot of soju while his eyes undressed you in his imagination and eye fucked you.

"Why are you singing that song?", Jimin asked upon hearing the words from the 95 liner as his fingers traced the outline of the glass having red wine. Taehyung's eyes didn't leave you for even a second but still, he replied to Jimin, "Because the songs suits her. I mean, look at her. Uhm, no, don't look at her. I'd rather prefer to look at her the whole night.", Taehyung replied.

Jimin sighed from behind him and looked down, disappointed in his brother-like fellow band member. "Taehyung please stop it now. You've played with enough hearts in past, not another victim of your game tonight.", Jimin tried to convince.

"I play with bodies, not hearts, hyung. Let me create another mess tonight.", Taehyung said, while gulping his fifth shot and standing up. His lusty eyes were pinned on your body as he approached you.

"If you will go for it again, I'll tell it to-", before Jimin could complete his sentence, Taehyung's piercing gaze fell on his fellow 95 liner. "I don't have a thing to lose, hyung.", Taehyung replied while nearing you.

His hands gingerly came in touch with your shoulder, moving down, slowly and sensually, tracing the side of your hand. Your body jerked to the unfamiliar sensation and you looked behind to observe a dangerously handsome man standing extremely close to you.


Gazing my eyes at nothing but infinity, all I could feel was a hollow within myself. It's not the first time I've felt so empty, so hollow and so broken from within.

It's the feeling where I feel like I can't see any end to the blank experiences in my life. "Yo, y/n, how come you're here, in a bar?", your friend Rose asked, amused to see your presence in the bar.

"What do you mean by what I'm doing in a bar? I'm having fun of course.", I replied nonchalantly.

"Yeah of course, but....... Anyone knows about it at home?", she asked hesitatingly. I gave her a 'are you serious?' look. " Of course no. I'm dying everyday in that hellhole. Let me live for sometime even if it's for a night.", I said as sadness surfaced my eyes.

Recalling the horrible experience was enough to make me go crazy. "You're young and wild, I get that but take care.", Rose said, patting my head and looking down at my hands, her eyes immediately filling up with sadness for me.

I traced her gaze down to my hands to see the heavy metal resting on my ring finger. It wasn't just a heavy metal but a heavy unbearable responsibility. Rolling my eyes, I snatched my hand away from her.

"I'll see you tomorrow at work, then.", she said and disappeared in the crowd full of people. A lone tear rolled down my eyes as I looked at my ring finger again. "This bond isn't meant to be cherished, it's meant to be paid like a loan.", I tried convincing myself while letting my tears drown me into a state of unstable mind with the help of alcohol.


A soft touch lingered on your hand as Taehyung's fingers traced your flesh filled with sensual and feverish touch. A touch that was enough to weaken your body and a sensual shiver run down your spine.

You turned around to meet with the owner of such a captivating touch only to find a devilishly handsome man standing in front of you. His hair was pushed back by a bandana, his lips bore a smirk and his eyes contrasted to his smirk, showing only innocence in them.

"Yes, sir? How may I help you?", you said while your eyes were lowered, trying to hide the tears you've just shed a few moments ago.

'You can help me with a lot in my bed, darling.' , Taehyung said to himself in his mind while smirking at you. You were left perplexed as he didn't reply to you for a good three minutes.

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