Oneshot Collection

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Oneshot 1 : When the bed breaks on your wedding night

The last wobbly relative shuffled out, leaving Jungkook and Y/N in a silence so sweet it felt like winning the lottery. Finally, alone!

Jungkook, with a grin as wide as a cartoon cat, scooped Y/N off her feet and carried her into their room – a total explosion of rose petals and fairy lights that would make a Disney princess jealous.

He plopped her down on the mountain of rose petals with a flourish that almost sent them both tumbling. Sparks flew (figuratively, for now) as they leaned in, anticipation crackling like a cheap Christmas light string. 

Then, with a sound like a grumpy grandpa settling into his armchair, the bed decided to call it quits.

Y/N found herself flat on her back in a cloud of rose petals, feeling like a superhero who'd just crash-landed. Jungkook, meanwhile, was entangled in the wreckage of the bed frame, looking like a confused spider caught in a disco ball web.

The shocked silence lasted about a beat before the house exploded. The door practically ripped off its hinges as Jin, hair askew and face dusted with flour from the earlier cake-toppling incident, burst in.

"Y/N! Jungkook! What on earth?!" he bellowed, his voice thick with concern. The rest of BTS piled in, their expressions a mix of worry and barely contained laughter that was bubbling to the surface like soda about to erupt.

Y/N scrambled to her feet, cheeks flaming redder than the fairy lights. "We're fine, Jin! Just a little…" She trailed off, searching for a word that wouldn't send her into spontaneous combustion. 

Jungkook, meanwhile, was trying to untangle himself from the bed frame with all the grace of a baby giraffe learning to walk. "Yeah, the bed… uh… decided to take a nap?"

The silence stretched, broken only by the creaking of the ruined bed frame.  Then, a snicker erupted from the back of the group.  Jeonghan, Jungkook's oldest cousin with a permanent twinkle in his eye, stepped forward.

"Well, well, well," he drawled, his voice dripping with fake seriousness. "Looks like someone was a little too excited on their wedding night!" The rest of the cousins erupted in laughter, slapping Jungkook on the back with exaggerated winks and whistles.

Y/N wanted to melt into a puddle and disappear.  Jungkook, mortified, sputtered incoherently, trying to explain the faulty bed frame.  His attempts were met with more laughter and playful nudges.

"Don't sweat it, Kookie," Taehyung chimed in, his boxy smile wider than ever. "We all went through that awkward newlywed phase.  Especially the one where the bed explodes in slow motion." He winked at Y/N, who swatted him playfully, her face hidden behind her hair.

"Explode?" Jungkook yelped. "It sounded more like a grumpy grandpa!"

The night devolved into glorious chaos.  Jimin, ever the helpful soul, attempted to fix the bed with duct tape and a screwdriver (because apparently, prayers weren't enough), only to end up tangled in the wreckage himself.

J-Hope, ever the optimist, suggested they all sleep on the floor in a giant cuddle puddle, an idea that was vetoed by a blushing Y/N faster than you could say "awkward."

Finally, after much teasing and laughter, the family members, one by one, stumbled out of the room, promising to send someone with a new bed frame in the morning, preferably one that didn't sound like a grumpy grandpa on his worst day.

Left alone, Jungkook and Y/N collapsed on the (thankfully unbroken) floor, the weight of the day and the absurdity of the night catching up to them.

"So much for a smooth start," Jungkook sighed, a sheepish grin tugging at his lips.

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