He slut shames you and chooses his fake wife over you

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"Hey sleepyhead.", you commented as you saw Taehyung entering the cafeteria and taking a seat beside you on your table. "Look, who again came late to university and got scolded by our Physics professor the first thing in the morning.", you dramatically said while motioning towards Taehyung with a dramatic gasp, catching the ears of the your friends, BTS.

"Mr. Kim Taehyung, this is the 361st day of the college year that you're late. Any explanations? As usual, no. Detention after class.", you mimicked the voice of your Physics professor who scolded him, creating a dramatic show for your friends who burst out into laughter when you used your bottle as the stick of professor and smacked him slightly on his head.

Your friends were laughing whole heartedly at the way you mimicked the grumpy and harsh voice of your professor when he was scolding Taehyung. "You really have a record of bring late to the uni.", Hoseok commented as he tried to supress his laughter, not really since he was the most hyped one at the little mockery going on in the cafeteria.

"Yah, you pabo-yah, don't you remember yesterday when Daniel-", you immediately leaped out of your seat, jumping onto Taehyung as you clamped your hand on his mouth, preventing him from speaking further. "Shut up! We had a deal yesterday that you won't tell about it to anyone.", you gasped while throwing daggers at Taehyung who was about to open up your embarrassing moment of yesterday.

"When Daniel accidentally threw his underwear on your head when you accidentally went inside the boys locker room and he was changing there?", Namjoon completed for you as everyone bursted out laughing making blush rise up to your cheeks.

You diverted your attention back at Taehyung who's eyes had formed crescents and under your palm you could feel him smirking. "You taebitch, I told you not to tell about it to anyone but-"

"But we all know it already. You really think any secret digests in his stomach? He spilled it out immediately when we caught him laughing on his own for no reason after basketball match.", Jungkook completed making your ears and nose turn red in anger.

" But it was an accident! I didn't know you all had a basketball match yesterday and one of the players, Daniel was changing in the boys locker room. But it's not embarrassing, it's not like he was naked, he was just folding his previous clothes after changing.", you completed.

"Oh? So entering into the boys locker room was okay? What were you actually doing there? Who's d*ck you wanted to see?", Jimin wiggled his eyebrows making you whine at his actions.

Everyone bursted out laughing again making you more embarrassed. "No! I mistook it for women's rest room. Ew, why would I want to see any d*cks?", you defended your self.

"Exactly! Why would she go to the boys locker room if needed to see some actual d*ck, wouldn't she come over at my place?", Taehyung flaunted as he got rid of your palm on his mouth, flaunting his manliness.

Your friends erupted in 'oooooh's after hearing his statement. You fake smiled at him through your gritted teeth as you said, "We were talking about d*cos, not noodle-like thin, soft chilli peppers.", you commented making Taehyung's cheeks blush up.

By then, your table at the cafeteria was roaring with laughter. The cafeteria was mostly empty as break had just started and not many students were there. This was how you all basically were. Growing up with seven boys in your neighborhood and your only friends ever since you were 2 years old, made you quite bold with them. But not bold enough to crack d*ck jokes with them.

Surely you were getting second hand embarrassment from Taehyung and your bickering with him. At your last burn at him, he simply rolled off his middle finger, playfully showing it to you before saying, "F*ck you."

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