The love of his life was once his enemy; frenemies

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"Taehyung", this was a name very popular in the school. A boy loved by all, approached by the ones in need, deemed like the apple of every teacher's eye. The guy attracted quite a lot of attention everywhere he went, I might dare say, he attracted a lot of attention from the ladies as well. Wherever he went until he finished his high school and senior secondary, he was deemed as an exquisite example of perfection.

Readers may ask me, "Wasn't there anyone else to match Kim Taehyung's perfection?" I'd be a liar if I say there weren't. There were other guys too who were exemplary in studies, sports and every other criteria a person could think of to be deemed as desirable. However, it was Taehyung who was deemed as the real deal. Athletic, sporty, funny, intelligent, witty, smart, hard working, comical, confident cheerful, cute and what not. One could think of all kinds of positive adjectives English language has to offer and still think that even the best combination of adjectives fail to define the perfection of Kim Taehyung.

A very consistent fine young man who was well read in the subjects of all possible kinds of sciences, languages and fine arts. He was sort of unbeatable in anything and everything he did. He is what you may refer as a complete package. The guy never dropped a sweat of nervousness anywhere in whatever he did. He dominated his troubles like Christian Grey had dominated Ana in his first movie. To top it off, the guy was pretty chilled out.

One may question that such sort of perfection seems enigmatic. His perfection in all spheres didn't mean he was nerdy and not mischievous. The guy could be a descendant of Loki for all one might think of. He was a fun rule breaker, a flirtatious jock, risk taker and a talkative person. His name used to be the first favourite gossip on absolutely everyone's lips. These are his characteristics and they still retained by him to-date. He hasn't changed a bit. 

People always asked him, "Man your life and everything about it is absolutely perfect, isn't it!?" To own it, it was indeed perfect. It still is, but there was one dry area in his life which was a far cry from perfection. His heart. The dry desert of his heart was parched and yearning for a better half's love but his heart remained empty for the first nineteen years of his life.

Then came his love, his Y/n, who showered her love on the dry patches of his heart and made it bloom like a versatile garden of flowers.

Taehyung never thought that he needed this kind of love from a complete stranger. He had his parents' love, family's care, his teachers' blessings and his friends' love. He was sufficed with every type of love except for the love pf that one beautiful girl who would love him unconditionally.

He never thought he'd crave for this sort of love until he realised and honestly acknowledged this craving. The reason for this craving, you might ask? It is simple. The guy could share ANYTHING  with his parents, his classmates, friends and sometimes, his juniors too but thats the point about it. He could share anything with a wide range of people but he couldn't share EVERYTHING with just one person.

He always wanted to love someone endlessly and receive endless love from the same person back. He knew that when he found that girl, he would do anything for her whole heartedly and devotedly. He knew that she was the only thing missing from his already so-close to perfect life.

Nevertheless, to give you a background about him, he was a flirt with the girls. But these mere flings and flirtings terminated where they are. To own the truth, they never invoked any strong sense of intense love within him. He had fair share of chapters in his life with two major flings with two entirely different girls. Those two chapters were just the effect of his internal body hormonal changes and peer pressure. Fascinated by the idea of dating, the guy had two strong flings, but alas, none of them were capable enough to invoke intense love in the iron heart of Kim Taehyung.

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