He married you for revenge

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"Do you, Kim Taehyung promise to love and cherish y/n y/l/n, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her, for so long as you both shall live?", the priest read out the sacred vows of marriage.

"I do."

He said as he whole-heartedly accepted you as his lawfully wedded wife.

"Do you, y/n y/l/n promise to love and cherish Kim Taehyung, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him, for so long as you both shall live?", the priest read out again.

"I do."

I said the words with ease while making an eye contact with my lover, now my husband.

"You may kiss the bride."

The sentence was enough for a glint to appear in his eyes as he wrapped one arm around your waist and the other cupped your cheek while he devouverd you into a passionate kiss.

The kiss poured out his love, loyalty and affection for you while you reciprocated the same for him.

"Finally, you're mine now........ Mrs. Kim.", he said after detaching lips.

The crowd erupted in cheers and you came out of your little world of happiness to face the bigger world making your cheeks go crimson.

The rest of the wedding proceeded by smoothly. All this time, Taehyung was by your side, an arm wrapped around your waist, a smile always adoring his countenance whenever he saw you and a genuine happiness which enveloped the both of you.

The wedding night was spent in you two making love to each other while promising each other of the happiness you wished to experience in future together.

That was also the night you lost your innocence and you were happy that you waited long enough for your lover to take it.



A soft pair of hands wrapped around my waist. The long, slender fingers which had a pale texture gave the comfort and warmth which absolutely nothing other can.

"Jagiya.... "

His deep voice lingered in my ear as he pressed his nose against the marks on my neck which he crafted on my unmarked skin last night while making love to me.

"TaeTae.... We need to hurry up or we'll miss our flight.", I tried to pry him off because I was feeling embarassed after yesterday being my first time. I was too shy to face him.

He started leaving soft kisses along my neck and jaw line which elicited a feeling of pleasure in my body.

"I love you, Mrs. Kim.", he said.

"I love you too Mr. Kim."

I said and he grinned against my neck as he formed fresh marks there among the pre-existing marks.

Unable to bear the heat on my cheeks, I freed myself and ran to the other part of the room, absent&mindedly checking our bags for our honeymoon again.

His lovey-dovey actions, skin ships, random kisses didn't stop till we reached the airpost and boarded the plane to our honeymoon destination - GREECE.

The crystal clear water, white beaches and sun's kiss was the most romantic and relaxing thing ever.

Greece was even more beautiful than I thought.

Perhaps, because of the blissful company of my husband made it more delightful.

He booked a whole resort for us over the crystal waters just for the both of us.

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