He leaves his wife and his child for his secretary

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"Y/n! Baby! Come on, get up, it's almost time.", your mother shouted from downstairs as you shuffled in your sheets, groaning and breaking your connection with your dreamland as you finally opened your eyes.

With a big and bright smile on your face, you slowly got up from the bed and waddled your way downstairs slowly, taking each step on the stairs cautiously as your mother had taught you. "Mama! Mama! Mama! I'm up! Dada! Dada! Dada! Y/n-ie will shee her dada today.", you babbled in your baby tone as your mother picked you up in her arms and booped your nose.

"Aww, my baby is so excited to meet here dada. Yes baby, we're finally going to meet your dada today!", your mother cooed as she rocked you on her back in the entire house, happily giggling and cheering about meeting your father today.

"Finally, we're going back to Korea today. Finally, my project in the states is over and we can go back home now. You know what baby? We'll surprise your appa today.", she enthusiastically said. Her eyes were glistening with pure love for your father, Kim Taehyung.

Your mother and you, a four year old child had been living in the states for the past one year because of your mother's posting in the states. Unfortunately, since your father was a k-pop sensation, it was impossible for him to shift with you two to the states.

Your mother planned to surprise your father by returning back home and surprising him with the news of permanently shifting back to Korea. She couldn't help but imagine how graciously your father would react upon seeing her.

"Would he be shocked at first? Would he hug the two of us and cry since your appa is a big cry baby.", your mother giggled at her own words. "But one thing I know for sure...... He'll be happy to have his family back. He'll be happy to have our family as one again.", she said as a blissful smile overtook her lips.

A smile so rare and so peaceful for you to observe. Ever since you moved to the States, your mother smiled that warmly and lovingly only when she talked to your father or when she remembered him and felt his presence around her.

She'd always close her eyes and imagine Taehyung with her, loving her and you, the three of you standing together like pillars of love, tying each other in a beautiful bond. Your mother, Ivory would always remember your father, reminiscing his touch, his scent, the adoration in his eyes for her, the love he has for his wife and his child in his heart, his brown chocolaty eyes which always reflected affection towards you two.

"Today, we'll be complete. We'll be one again.", your mother kept on saying this throughout the flight as her anxious eyes were fixed down on the ocean, waiting for the plane to land and her to leap into the arms of her husband.

"Our country. We're back to our soil.", your mother commented as you both finally arrived. "Mama? Where is dada? He didn't come to pick us?", you innocently questioned her, making her eyes twitch with hope.

"No baby y/n! We're going to Appa's office and there we'll surprise him! Like booo!", she enacted cutely for you to cheer up. "Appa will be happy to see us, right mama?", you innocently asked.

"Yes baby! See, your appa will scoop you in his arms, give you so many kisses until your face is full of kisses and he's going to hug you soooo sooo sooo tightly! Uff! My baby y/n-ie will have all the love of her appa.", she happily said as you journeyed your way to his office.

"Appa will love me again!", you happily cheered. Being a four year old child, you had slightly faded memories of your father when you were separated when you were barely 3 years old. "Appa will never leave his liddol baby y/n-ie again! He'll always be with us!", you happily cheered.

"Mama, Appa and y/n-ie will be a happy liddol lovey-lovey family again!", you cheered and Ivory chuckled at your cuteness, as you found it tonight still to pronounce 'little' and 'lovely'. " Aigoooo, y/n-ie baby, why are you so cute like your Appa? You've the same big eyes like him, same boxy smile like him. Uff! How will I handle so much of cuteness in our house from now? Your big bear Appa and my small baby bear y/n-ie.", she pinched your cheeks slightly.

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